Nov 13, 2009 06:08
Ok, for starters, I don't honestly know why this bothers me. I shouldn't really care whatsoever, but for some reason, it gets under my skin. Here is some back story for all who don't know. I had a friend that I was really close with. She would have trouble with things, and I would talk to her. I was probably her third best friend as far as people who were there for her. Now this friend, I originally met through my sister. Why does that matter? Let me tell you! She randomly went on a rampage one day, and deleted all of her friends from Facebook that she didn't consider "good enough friends" or whatever. That was all fine and dandy, I mean people do it from time to time. My sister just so happened to be one of those friends on her list. They haven't really talked much, but my sister really wanted to reconnect with her. They had a lot of disputes over respect of one another and what not so I'm assuming that's what distanced them. After I found out about this, I called her. No answer; I left a text along the lines of "I need to talk to you." I talked to my sister about it the next day and she told me she had no idea why she was deleted. I sent a message on FB and my sister happened to send her own message. After that, the girl lost it or something. She went and completely deleted her page and only added 15 or so friends, me not included. She wouldn't have any sort of word with me about the matter, just did it. I was thoroughly confused. I talked her through things and gave her straight up honest answers that I felt other people were too afraid to tell her. I feel that I was an asset to her, but whatever. With her new page, not only did she set it to private, she also blocked me and my sister.
Ok so the back story is done now. Why exactly out of all of this am I annoyed? The friend betrayal thing was a slight stab in the back, but I'm long over that by now. The really, absolutely obnoxious part of it is this... I heard from a mutual friend that I was "getting stalkery" or something and that's why I got blocked. Whatever. I can get over that. Now though, I will sometimes see her posts on friends pages. It's almost always right after I have a long comment conversation on somebody's page as well. A short while after, every trace of her is gone. For all who aren't the wonderful super sleuth that I am(actually it's common sense), the only possible explanation of this is: She uses blocking me as a vice to lurk around on things that I post. She wants to be able to read what I say, but wants to keep me blocked. LOL seriously, grow the fuck up. I'm really sick of people saying they want to avoid drama and then going out of their way to create it. Whatever. I'm done ranting.