My daydream today...

Apr 07, 2004 20:52

Today I had an interesting dream. I wouldn't call it a good dream, I'd call it more of an erotic/naughty dream. Ok, but before I explain what my dream consisted of, I'd better tell you about the surroundings I was in, it'll help you to better understand why what happened in my dream, happened. I was driving home from tanning and I was listening to the country station and the song "God Bless Texas" was playing on the radio and on we go into my daydream.

Just imagine you're laying in bed with a guy and you're in the process on doing it/having sex/making love, whatever you want to call it, and you've already "come" as people call it and he's on his way(you can stop laughing at me now) and when he's done or he's "come", he blurts out, "OH GOD BLESS TEXAS!!!"....I was just thinking in my daydream, how freaking funny that would be if that EVER happens to me one day...My luck, I'll prolly burst out laughing right then and there. Knowing me, I would.

Anyways, that was my daydream today. I know it didn't have much "action" but HEY, I was driving WHILE I was having it so I couldn't have TOO much action going on or else I'd have a wreck and if you knew me, I would. Alright, I guess that's all for right now. I don't have anymore daydreams to speak of right now. Be back later.

I love Dean.
I love Billy.
I love Megan.
I love Brytt.
I love Michelle.
I love Lisa.
I love Jeremiah.
I love Tyson.
I love Joel.
I love Benji.
I love Chris.
I love all my friends, family and all those other people-you know who "you" are!!!!
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