The shallow end of the pool.

Aug 03, 2009 05:54

So.. social networking.

I've been watching the internet change, adapt, new ideas thrown out, some adopted, some buried.

Always changing.

The depth is shrinking.

Sites like LJ and Myspace let people write relatively long journal entries or blogs.

yet I kinda think these sites are declining in popularity, I've read things to support this.

Facebook and Twitter are the new "in" crowd. Even moreso, all the spinoffs seem to sit on top of twitter somehow by crossposting to your twitter account. it's all somewhat redundant. Communities on top of other communities, I may write an entry at one site, and it will crosspost/propagate on it's own to another site or 2. The parent site may get a couple of comments, but the child site may not know, the child community would not be included in that discussion.

at this point it's fractured, it's against the very idea of social networking to me.
where is "the one ring to bind them" so to speak? /nerd

Another thing.. How shallow it is, these character limits. Mere quips to provide insight in to the infinitely complex beings that human life and social interaction entails.

I find that keeping up with my friends and their thoughts these days provides a shallow look, a surface view in to their thought process, imprisoned by the stifling character limit.

I kind of tire of the fracture, I also tire of the shallowness. I have to log in to an entirely different community if I have something of any depth to share, but because of the fracture, those other people? they'll never know that side of me unless I hassle them with joining up on yet another site, creating yet another account, creating yet another bookmark for them to check up on.

It's not worth the bother.
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