
Apr 06, 2007 05:19

I'm alive and sadly awake. Bangarang hates it when I sleep. HATES IT.

Had the opportunity to listen to the whole new NiN album and am looking very much forward to it.

Put in a slough of time off requests at work, all..2 of 'em. It's funny, I have 3 weeks of PTO and I have only taken..1 day off this year. All this work and no play makes Austin a stressed out individual.

The plan thus far is to take an entire week, 7 full days and drive up to Mom's in Oregon with Melissa and drive back. So a day up, 4 days of rest, 2 days down, maybe.

Hmm..no real news. Might be losing 4 different people in my department. Still have my job, gonna have an uncomfortable meeting today with my bosses boss. Other than that, I still love Melissa.

She's been having a rough time of it the past few weeks and now is hoping to find a job to supplement the free time she has from all the crap. My fingers are crossed she finds one that's worth her while.

Yer a buncha bastards, just so you know.

End Transmission.

Professor Henry Jones: They're trying to kill us.
Indiana Jones: I know, Dad.
Professor Henry Jones: This is a new experience for me.
Indiana Jones: It happens to me all the time. -Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
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