Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.
1. The original. A Hildebrant Shatterstar painting for a card set. Headshot Yo.
2. A Fandom Icon. We all should have one.
3. Pie. Satchel screamed Pie. Nuff said.
4. It's on my shoulder. It bled like mad. There is a reason. Spider is my hero.
5. Rarely used, but creeptastic. V = Awesome.
6. Stolen from a Sleeping Beauty Icon list. The creator had some talent, Yo. I'm Melissa's Prince Phillip, apparently.
7. Fitting. Spider Meets Hunter S. Thompson. Thank you, Icon Creators.
8. Sandman. The only Sandman I care about. Wesley Dodds. Fuck your other world Sandman. Dodds was there first!
9. Thanks to a Singing In the Rain fan who created some awesome Gene Kelly icons. This one's great.
10. Last but not least..it's always there when a laugh is needed...
End Transmission.
*CRUNCH!* (That would be the sound of my dog Sierra finishing up ice cream cones for the lot of us.)