Dec 05, 2005 23:48
i watched a really thought- provoking movie a few weeks ago and decided a lot of things about life
marriage: people get married so they can have a witness to their lives. if you dont have a witness you don't, in effect, exist or honestly matter to anyone. so with the conclusion i end my anti- marriage crusade. my crusade against asshole husbands hasnt ended and never will becuase mostly guys suck and treat their wives like shit.
religion: people who follow it blindly are stupid. people who fight against it are stupid. religion gives people hope and as long as they aren't harming anyone by believing a man created earth, they're entitled to have hope to get them through life without crazy assholes calling them stupid or ignorant. we all need hope. whether you believe in god/ organized religion or not, it's not hurting you directly and probably isnt even hurting you indirectly.
on another note: winter sucks, i'm constantly tired, and i feel like i'm losing my friends. i dont want to turn eighteen. i dont want to be away from my nephew this long. i miss my sister. i complain too much. and milk has puss in it. delicious, right? i ought to get to bed because 4 hours' sleep each night is turning me into a bitch
Oh, i'm married. against my will and without my knowledge, but despite that, my husband's kind of nice. lol