Just one update at the moment, but it is probably going to be the biggest for a while.
Shattered Memories is off the hiatus. Along with the domain, a new layout has been made. Also, links have been checked and people who have dropped me because of the hiatus have been removed. Affiliates and siblings are now closed.
shattmem also received a new make over. It features an image from the same series as the domain: Odin Sphere. Organization came with the links making it easier for navigation.
There are two fanlistings coming. Just need to finish the coding. A new shrine is in the process of being finished with information while another shrine is being started. This one being a total secret. One shrine is also being revamped. However, that is due to the time I have away from homework and school work.
And last, I am still on my hiatus for posting in Livejournal. However, that doesn't mean my domain will go back on it. The domain is open and ready!