
Oct 26, 2007 15:21

[ooc: So okay. Dream sequence post! If you want your pup to have a wacky dream sequence involving meeting Intuition, tag away! If you want more information about what the heck I'm talking about, ping at pythianhabenero!]

Intuition is dreaming.

For the first time since becoming human, she's dreaming as herself, properly abstract - drifting through ( Read more... )

jack hollins, lenore ackart, chloe sullivan, intuition, gabriel gray, bridgette dubois, shay fitzgerald

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notmostpeople October 29 2007, 09:36:38 UTC
When dreaming, Gabriel tends towards extremes.

Tonight, he's huge.

Huge and helpless, because although he's in the shop with planet Earth neatly dissected and spread and pinned like a dead butterfly to be inspected under magnifying glasses the size of continents -- he can't find a path back to Intuition. Not one. Not anywhere.

In this instance, the lack of pathways represents brokenness -- because how can a world without them be right and whole? -- and the fact that he can't fix it is... well. It seems that it's possible, in a dream, to be tiny at the same time as large. At least, Gabriel's managing it.


lytii_intuition October 29 2007, 11:27:46 UTC
--And with an abrupt shift in the nature of dream-reality, she's there. Not physically, no, nor consciously - but the Earth and the stars and the universe itself are abruptly influeenced, in the way that her city was, by the fact of her comforting presence.

After a moment of this, it/they/she speaks.

I've missed you, Gabriel.

She's been wandering dreams for a long time.


notmostpeople October 29 2007, 11:49:41 UTC
If Gabriel had had the kind of childhood where you come in out of a snowstorm to toasty blankets and hot chocolate, he would have an appropriate metaphor for how Inty's arrival feels. As it is, he lets out a long breath, a tension at the edge of notice unspooling.

Delight delight.

But also concern.

"I-- I'm here, I'll always be here." He looks up and around, trying to find something to comfort, but it's like trying to look at God.


lytii_intuition October 29 2007, 11:58:16 UTC
She's there - she's everywhere - and she loves him, and the fact that he wants to comfort her is enough.

Somehow Inty manages to make appearing out of thin air graceful and subtle and gradual; in the next moment, there she is, hugging him and snuggling her head into his chest, both of them larger than worlds.

I met a reader of truth, she says, because with Gabriel here she can be everywhere and herself at the same time, and she doesn't want to lift her head from snuggling to speak with vocal words.

The shared feeling/image of Jack(Ruth) is complex: that talent, shining brightly, connecting him(her) to Intuition's very nature - but as a matter of course, the comparison along with it. Truth is a large part of Intuition, and the reading of it moreso, but it is not all of her. Gabriel's place as part of her is secure. He's still the only one who sees as she does, and the only one she can share these impressions with so deeply.


notmostpeople October 29 2007, 12:21:58 UTC
He has fairly long arms, and he's using every skinny inch of them to hold the physical her as tight as he can. (To note, the claustrophobic black of the walls are suddenly greens and pinks and sweeping blues.) He's grinning suddenly too, in a pleased sort of way. Frankly? It's an honour to help her the way she helps him, an honour.

As is being compared to someone whom Inty clearly likes -- but. In that way? The connection? Is it enough to be the best, first, but not only? --Of course, of course. She's still his, he's still hers. And he's pleased for her to have found Jack -- and to be like this again, even if it's only while her eyes are closed. That's a blessing, that she can still flit through dreams like she could through her city. (He's no longer the only...?)

"...Where?" In this world somewhere? Dragged from another, like them?


lytii_intuition October 29 2007, 12:29:02 UTC

She hugs him tightly, grinning into his shirt.

I love you, Gabriel.

(The first thing she did when she met Jack was miss Gabriel. That's evident. It's not a matter of conscious sharing - Gabriel can see into her as clearly as she can see into him, by now. That's still something nobody else has, is it not? That link, self to self? That sharing? And yes, she'd shared with Jack in a manner that almost seems similar - but it was communication, not communion. The difference is as obvious as that between an egg timer and a grandfather clock.)


notmostpeople October 29 2007, 12:58:13 UTC
...Cue Gabriel feeling a little stupid. He's sorry for being a prone-to-jealousy doofus.

And he loves her too.

It's strange and it's natural and he hasn't given voice to it before, but he means it absolutely.


"I love you."


lytii_intuition October 29 2007, 14:17:23 UTC
It's all right. Inty loves all of him, even his jealous doofusery.

D'aww. Huggles indeed. She can't help but blush and beam at the fact that he's said it now.


notmostpeople October 29 2007, 15:04:56 UTC
Yes, it took him slightly by surprise too. But he couldn't not say it, not here and now, and certainly not when conversation touches on the truth. She might know it already, but she deserves to hear it out loud.

"I -- thank you."

For? For everything she has done, is doing or possibly might do. For finding him, or for letting him find her. For simply being. He wants her to know how important she is.


lytii_intuition October 29 2007, 15:09:22 UTC
She knows, Gabriel.

And you're just as important to her. You're hers, and she's yours. You see what she sees, as she sees it. She can share her very perceptions with you. For one who spent so much time abstract, so much time alone, it's very nearly inconceivable to have that kind of connection with anyone.

"Thank you," she returns softly. And you're welcome.


notmostpeople October 29 2007, 15:23:22 UTC
If she got blushing from him, then he got sheer, pure happiness from her.

He still wants to thank her.

The deep shades playing across the walls? They're a sunset, quickly fading. Above them, where the ceiling was, a sky. It's cold. He's not sure h-- he's sure how, and Inty's done it too, he realises; could they do it again? --First, though, there are bangs and cracks and pops and fizzes, and coloured lights that streak across the sky.


lytii_intuition October 29 2007, 15:28:56 UTC
...It's beautiful.

Inty is captivated. She leans her head back into Gabriel, curling her arms around his around her waist, and watches the spectacle, entranced.

(thankyouthankyouthankyou,) she projects. It's not even on the level of speech anymore, just a wave of loving gratitude that curls and breaks around him, absolute and pure. Fireworks. He gave her fireworks and a sunset. Words just don't cut it.


notmostpeople October 29 2007, 19:39:27 UTC
Gabriel's captivated, too. But not by the fireworks.

It's almost like his body's moving by itself (and it's a dream, so maybe it is), he --

-- lowers his face to her scalp, down into the dancing rainbows, and --

-- rests his cheek there (it feels warm, it feels soft, it smells nice) but at an angle, almost -- he wants to --


lytii_intuition October 29 2007, 19:45:32 UTC
She feels that want, of course. How could she not?

Just standing there, snuggled up to Gabriel, watching the fireworks and basking in his love, is the most wonderful thing she's ever felt.

She too, though, wishes -- if he would --

There are things even an infinite being has never done before. When she feels his want it is not only in the sense of noticing it's there. Inty shares it - reflects it, even.


notmostpeople October 30 2007, 10:42:56 UTC
Maybe there are reasons why he shouldn't. Rules. Conventions. But he can't bring any to mind right now; he doesn't want to.

Certainly there are reasons why he should. He wants to. He knows Inty wants to. (with a connection like that, mightn't they even be meant to?) That can be reason enough.

So (with the delicate care afforded to priceless and beautiful pieces whose treatment must be without flaw) he gently kisses her forehead.


lytii_intuition October 30 2007, 11:45:26 UTC
Oh, that's nice, that is.

To be held and loved and treated so delicately -

If you thought Inty beamed before, this time she's so happy she honestly does glow, reds and golds and greens and blues as she tilts her face up to smile brilliantly at him before, just as gently, kissing his cheek. There's a flickering sparkle of turquoise and violet left behind for just a moment, like an evanescent lipstick-mark of light.


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