(no subject)

Mar 18, 2008 14:39

Once, there was a pleasant city here. But that was before Ottawa suffered the usual statue-rampage... and something large that looked like it tried to kind of a lot of buildings as furniture before heading further north. Most residents are dead or fled, though there are a few squatters still hoping to get by on scavenged food and shelter.

Flash. Bang.



... No, no, leave, right?


Reverse-summons, hello, he's not even manipulating an eidolon, just standing here, should work.





A certain section of Ottawa is now a lot warmer, if slightly less inhabitable. It's, um, kind of melty, in fact. Somehow, it's not actually on fire, however, it just looks as though it were blasted by the world's biggest flamethrower.

And there is a scowling dread god stalking out of the charred and melted mass, and the flame was upon his head and the smoke was at his feet. He has precious little idea of just what's going on here, but this is not Greece, he's pretty sure it's not even his world (even if it has a superficially similar feel), and when he gets his hands on the god that pulled this, he's not going to bother with subtlety-- he's just going to smite them with his bare hands, which may or may not be on fire at the time.

He's botherable.

If you give him a few minutes to cool off (no, literally), he might even be botherable by people who aren't particularly flame-retardant.

the rabbit, alice cooper, jetstorm, hades

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