"No kiddo, I'm not your mommy. C'mere little guy." His fingers stretch down, a little like tentacles, to give the guy something to grab onto. Such a cute little joker baby.
Hello, Thomas, you are Spots' new BEST FRIEND EVER.
In gratitude, he tries to eat the fingers. He doesn't have teeth yet, so really it's just like being gummed by a slimy, enthusiastic baby. One that's also cuddling with many, many tentacles.
It's okay, Thomas' fingers are pretty much bite proof. And gum proof. Cause, rubbery, right? He plays with the kid with his fingers, grinning slighlty. "What's yer name, little guy?"
"Well, we'll have to give you some kind of name-" Only someone from a world like Thomas' could actually see this kid as cute, but, then, he thinks the kid is a human. "What about Cuthy?"
"That's right, Cuthy! Little Thulu." Thomas makes a face and that's truly a sight, bits of face going everywhich way. Distaste at his words. "Sounds like some kind of really twisted kids comic book, Little Thulu. 'Little Thulu, you're in such trruble you blargh argh' and madness ensues."
Thomas chuckles at the little thing. Not much can warm his cold goth heart, but slimy things with tentacles, well, it brings a tear to his eye. Okay, not really, but it comes close. He lets his other fingers stretch on their own, teasing at the Kraken like one would with a cat.
"Oh, man, what do you like?" He scratches the side of his head, thinking hard. "Can't tell me, can you? Gotta be something around here, maybe some milk?"
He hurries over, kneeling to be on a better level with the thing. "You okay kid?"
Spots blinks up at him with enormous baby-blue eyes and asks "....mummy?"
Hello, Thomas, you are Spots' new BEST FRIEND EVER.
In gratitude, he tries to eat the fingers. He doesn't have teeth yet, so really it's just like being gummed by a slimy, enthusiastic baby. One that's also cuddling with many, many tentacles.
...he just doesn't have a very good vocabulary.
The kraken burbles with delight. It's his fourth word! "Uffffffffffffy."
To show his pleasure, he gums on Thomas' fingers a little more.
This game can continue ALL NIGHT.
(It's not particularly clear whether he understands or whether he just likes chewing people.)
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