
Jan 08, 2010 12:25

The roads in Kansas are, right now, the best kept roads in the world. The road approaching the Cooper Farm is no exception, and for a driver who's been struggling with a lot of snowed in roads before crossing Safe Zone borders, it's a welcome relief ( Read more... )

ai-ling, dinah lance, jordan harper

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littlegal_lost January 8 2010, 17:11:40 UTC
Journey leaps out first, followed more slowly by Jordan. While the bloodhound rejoices in the open air, burying herself in snow, the human smiles and watches her and looks to Ai-ling with the same smile. Fondness and happiness and approval.

Mostly for being out of the car finally.


blueisboring January 8 2010, 18:59:17 UTC
In a few weeks time, Ai-Ling suspects that she'll have issues with sitting in such a cramped space for so long. But not at the moment. She's short and fat and quite comfortable with that fact right now.

"That building's bigger," she remarks, pointing at the bunker. "I guess they expanded."


littlegal_lost January 8 2010, 19:07:02 UTC
Jordan follows the pointing, shifting her gaze from the bunker to the house to the cruise ship in the back, all lightly topped with snow. She smiles a little but it's uneasy. This is the only settlement she's really seen in this world, that wasn't filled with abused natives often trying to kill them.


blueisboring January 8 2010, 19:23:02 UTC
It's weird, isn't it?

Ai-Ling left Journey to have a fun time, and checks the back seat. Her husband, lazy sod that he is, is asleep. So she's going to get a bag out of the trunk herself.

"There was food in the kitchen last time I was here. I was told I could help myself."


littlegal_lost January 8 2010, 19:25:23 UTC
Jordan has a feeling she shouldn't let Ai-Ling carry that bag on her own. And by 'feeling,' she's really just remembering the last couple of months where Miki refused to let his wife carry anything over the weight of one pound.

She grins a little to herself and heads over to lift out a couple of bags herself, nodding to the other woman and making to follow her-- wherever.

Journey is now plowing headfirst into snowdrifts. Jordan sees no reason to stop her - even for food.


blueisboring January 8 2010, 19:48:00 UTC
Miki's an idiot. He's a loving, adorable good looking idiot, as his refusal to let Ai-Ling carry things is cute when it's not annoying. It's just that it's annoying a lot of the time.

Ai-Ling leads the way to the farmhouse, picking her steps carefully. The very last thing she needs is to slip and fall in any direction. She finds a well trodden path and sticks to it, warm and bundled up in her coat and mittens.

Inside the house is a functional kitchen, but most importantly a functional central heating system

She visibly sighs as the wave of heat hits her on opening the door.


littlegal_lost January 8 2010, 20:01:45 UTC
There's an identical sigh just a step behind her, plus a splash or two of pure surprise. Central heating. Jordan hadn't known that existed outside of a few mangled vehicles.

She glances over her shoulder for the dog, but Journey still appears to be having fun. It's nice to know that she'll have somewhere to go once her tail starts getting frostbite, though.

Jordan smiles and looks around the house, keeping one eye on Ai-Ling. If she slips or falls or stubs a toe while Jordan's around, Miki will never let her hear the end of it.


serinusniger January 8 2010, 20:12:24 UTC
"Don't leave the door open!" It's called from beyond the kitchen, with the tone of someone who doesn't know who's in there, but used to (and sick of) people doing just that.

Then in comes Dinah from the living room, an apple in her hand and in warm winter civvies. She grins at both of them.

"...and I don't know you two."


littlegal_lost January 11 2010, 21:44:37 UTC
Jordan kicked the door gently behind her as soon as the shout sounded, but she doesn't return Dinah's grin right away. There's a quick once-over of eyes, taking in stance and mood and expression, before she smiles.

It's a slightly shy smile, which isn't entirely faked. She nods a greeting, confident that Ai-Ling will handle introductions. Ai-Ling is much better at conversation than Jordan is.


blueisboring January 11 2010, 22:05:27 UTC
Ai-Ling is, in fact, much better with introductions. She rocks back onto her heels, hands folded behind her back, confidently nowhere near her weapons, and grins.

"Hi! I'm Ai-Ling and this is Jordan. I visited this place months ago and we figured it's time we head back...

"...is it OK if we have something to eat?"

There's fruit just over there and she wants some.


serinusniger January 11 2010, 22:16:06 UTC
Stance and mood and expression are all friendly and open, but there's something about Dinah that can't miss the Hunter's eye. Even beyond the casualness of the way she leans her butt against the counter, there's a fighter's edge to her.

Being wrapped up in jeans and a sweater and completely unarmed, theres' got to be a lot of that something in there for it to come through now.

For her part she's seen two women - one pregnant and more obviously armed than the other - and both with the poise and observational habits of someone who'd usually be seen wearing a mask of either flavour. She defaults to 'Good guy' and nods.

"Sure, help yourself. There's a full on hippy commune thing going on.

"I'm Dinah; it's a pleasure to meet you. Do you need anything else?"


littlegal_lost January 12 2010, 00:28:12 UTC
Jordan's eyes flicker over her again and her smile widens a little. It's nice to see other capable people, but she won't fully relax until she knows what Dinah's capable of.

Ai-Ling carries her weapons out where they can be seen. Jordan prefers everyone to think she's as helpless as possible.

But her dark eyes still widen excitedly at the mention of fruit.


blueisboring January 12 2010, 07:57:44 UTC
Ai-Ling pounces as soon as she's given the go ahead; snagging a strange looking fruit for herself and tossing one to Jordan.

They're passionfruit, but Ai-Ling doens't know that.

"Thanks! I did remember someone was organising jobs to help people out in the world, around here?"


serinusniger January 12 2010, 07:59:37 UTC
There's nothing like watching a pregnant woman - a pregnant girl, really, but who's judging? Really enjoying food to make Dinah smile.

"That's us. Well, Oracle, really, but I can put you in touch if you're interested?"

The question's open to both of them. Just because one person does the talking doesn't mean one person's listening. She knows Bruce too well to think that.


littlegal_lost January 12 2010, 08:09:27 UTC
Jordan beams, juggling the bags quickly so she has a hand free to catch the fruit tossed to her. She's never seen a passionfruit either - exotic fruits don't show up often in hunting trips - but it smells good and probably tastes better and that's exciting.

The duffel is slung comfortably over her shoulder and Jordan glances at Ai-Ling, eyebrows lifted. She's surprised but also amused, having no idea that Ai-Ling would be volunteering them for work so soon.


blueisboring January 12 2010, 08:13:46 UTC
Ai-Ling does that thin where she tosses her head so her braid dances, smirking at Jordan.

They don't have to start work yet. She wanted to know where to get started.

"That would be great," she says. "I think we're going to stay around here for a little while?" - a glance to Jordan to confirmation - "Before finding somewhere else."

Her non-fruit holding hand settles on her stomach in the universal language for 'I'm talking about my baby now but want you to get the hint on your own so we don't say it out loud and I can be quietly smug about upcoming Momhood'


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