
Jun 09, 2008 23:22

Despite her loud and aggravated protests to Dinah and Zinda about 'wasting her time', with the exception of the first ten minutes in the club to get oriented, Babs has spent the entire time out on the dance floor. She's currently working on her fourth dance partner, the previous three all having been wimps taken a breather ( Read more... )

goldilocks, jubilation lee (sparrow), barbara gordon, dick grayson, grace hanadarko

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headed4hell June 11 2008, 16:16:02 UTC
Grace finds the nightclub purely by chance.

The farm is nice and all, but she hasn't exactly ingratiated herself to anyone, still half convinced Earl is going to yank her back to her present at any moment; why give him the satisfaction of playing along? Obstinate denial only gets her so far, however, and boredom is quick to nip at her heels. Especially now. Especially when she starts thinking of Rhetta, Ham, Clay, and even I'll-save-you-if-it-kills-me-and-ruins-your-day Johnny.

So, when listening in on someone else's conversation netted her news of Metropolis, she took off. She intends to explore; to find the law and have a few words. But in the meantime, a woman's got to hydrate and recreate.

Which is why she's leaning against a table -- tight jeans, tight shirt, tight red leather jacket -- swilling beer and making flirty flirty eyes at any man who stumbles her way.


3rdtimelucky June 12 2008, 00:01:22 UTC
It isn't long before tight jeans meet tight leather pants and a crop-top. Longneck in hand, Goldilocks is on her first prowling circuit of the club. On spying Grace, she wanders over and props herself up against the same table.

"This sure beats the Cooper place doesn't it," she says, voice raised enough to be heard over the loud techno beat. Even in the poor light and wearing glasses, the Fable recognized the face from the farm. The fact that the woman seems to be gunning for a hook up as well means that they have something in common. Maybe they can help each other.

Alternatively, it's always possible that one of those flirtatious looks was being aimed at her. Goldy will be happy with either eventuality.


headed4hell June 12 2008, 16:58:10 UTC
They hadn't been, and the look she shoots Goldy now is more knowingly amused than appreciative, but Grace has never been one of those women who views all others as potential competition. She's too confident for that. Mostly she thinks the Fable looks like she knows her way around, and that's never a bad sort of acquaintance to cultivate.

"Music's shit, but the beer's cold," she says by way of an answer, voice low and thickly accented. Grace always sounds on the verge of wry laughter, like she's waiting on a punchline. "Got a light?"

A cigarette dangles from her fingers, flicking up and down in time with the music.


3rdtimelucky June 13 2008, 16:42:30 UTC
"If you've got a spare smoke," Goldy replies.

She pulls out a cheap Bic lighter from a front pocket and sparks a flame.

"I'm Goldy by the way. Otherwise known as Goldilocks. I'm a grown up version of the fairy tale character you may be familiar with. Immortal for the most part. Not originally from Earth, but I've been living on a farm in upstate New York for the past six hundred years or so. I got dumped in this crap-hole of a world a few weeks ago, from 2001."


headed4hell June 13 2008, 20:22:49 UTC
Okay, so the woman wants to thinks she's Goldilocks. Whatever. One of Grace's best informants thinks he's Fred Astaire. He can barely do a waltz. At least this one has the requisite blond hair, and it looks real.

"Grace Hanadarko," she offers in return, around the cigarette now hanging from her lips. Lifting her knee, she pulls a soft pack of Camels from her boot. She'd rather a different brand, but hey; now's not a good time to get picky. Tapping the bottom until two cigarettes show their filtered ends, she moves the pack into Goldy's personal space. "Oklahoma City PD. You look good for your age."


3rdtimelucky June 13 2008, 20:59:06 UTC
"Nice to meet you. And thanks," Goldy says, showing a grateful smile and taking one of the offered cigarettes. Another spark later, and she's inhaling happily from it. "I owe it all to oatmeal."

She fires a lazy smirk at Grace.


headed4hell June 13 2008, 23:46:44 UTC

Grace shifts her attention back to the dance floor and takes a long drag. She puts her whole body into it, eyes drifting closed as the smoke hits her lungs.

"I owe it all to booze and great sex."


3rdtimelucky June 14 2008, 00:16:41 UTC
Goldy chuckles knowingly and raises her beer in acknowledgment of the good call.

"I dare say they've had something to do with it in my case as well."

Appropriately, she follows up the comment with a gulp from the bottle.

"Looking for anything in particular tonight?"


headed4hell June 14 2008, 01:40:10 UTC
"What, am I obvious?" Grace drawls, looking at her askance and smirking.

Funny thing is, she's not real particular. Just as long as he has a pulse and doesn't consider it a sacrilege to take the Lord's name in vain. Repeatedly. Several times a night.

"I keep my options open. You know. Keep my eyes open. The apocalypse isn't long on men, if you know what I mean."

A fact Earl no doubt finds hilarious. Annoyance drives her to drink again.


3rdtimelucky June 14 2008, 01:57:48 UTC
"I definitely do," Goldy responds. "That being said, I hear there are a few folk around who have special superhuman powers. Metas, Dinah called them. I wouldn't mind a bit of that action if I can find one."

Goldy likes her sexual variety, and Metas have good potential on that front.


headed4hell June 14 2008, 02:04:24 UTC
"Just as long as they don't fly and pop into being unannounced. That shit'll scare you to death."

Grace seems averse to ashing her cigarette. It's amazing it doesn't fall, really, while she finishes off her beer.

"Fishnets, makes weird noises Dinah?"


3rdtimelucky June 14 2008, 02:26:14 UTC
"Yes. That sounds like the same Tweety Pie. She's good people. And hot. And that power scream thing can be pretty useful in a pinch. It saved my ass from some psycho sentient trucks up in Iowa when I first arrived."

Goldy nods approvingly as she blows a stream of smoke out of the side of her mouth.

"You've met some other Meta-types beyond her?"


headed4hell June 16 2008, 02:37:52 UTC
"Big ass rodents," Grace shares, pointing to herself with her thumb.

A smoke rings takes up her attention for the next few moments.

"Nah." That's not strictly true. "Met anyone with wings?"


3rdtimelucky June 16 2008, 04:04:37 UTC
"No. Not so far."

She looks interested to hear where this is going though.

"Why do you ask?"


headed4hell June 20 2008, 02:12:10 UTC
"No reason."

Grace drops her cigarette butt in the now empty beer bottle and lifts it overhead. Catching the bartender's eye, she gives the bottle a little waggle and nods. The smile she sends his way is pure trouble.

"So how'd you get here, Goldilocks?"


3rdtimelucky June 20 2008, 02:22:03 UTC
Frown lines wrinkle Goldy's forehead in response to the blatant evasiveness, and they deepen somewhat at the use of her full name. On top of that, there's a touch of confusion at the question.

"Goldy," she reminds Grace first of all.

Then: "Here as in this nightclub? Or here as in this world?"


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