(no subject)

Jun 07, 2008 22:12

That there is some shoddy bandaging.

Which is to say, there's a guy limping along Kansas (he'd been using a car, but it broke down), with a sword in one hand, a gun tucked into his belt, and bandaging across one leg, his arms and most of his torso, that looks like it was made from torn bits of clothing, and is getting rather soaked with blood.

All in all, he doesn't look too great, with the bruises, dried blood, ragged (and stolen) coat slung over his shoulders and a whole lot of bright red bandages. He's looking around, warily, and his grip around his sword is tight enough that his knuckles are white.

Botherable, if possibly violent.

katherine bishop, will scarlett, totally not atton rand, medusa

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