The main thing I did today was work on Five Glasses of Absinthe. This is page 18, with the dialogue layers turned off. You're missing a monologue that riffs off of the opening of Godard's À bout de souffle ('Breathless'), one of the movies that influenced the way this story evolved...
(image hosted on LJ, because my site's down for scheduled maintenance)
This is one of about four pages in chapter 1 where I break my rules for color. There are three color swatches in use here, instead of two - the brick-red, the aqua, and the turquoise. I'm really happy with the layer of color symbolism that popped in regarding the apple: as Absinthe leaves Wormwood, she eats and throws away an apple the same color as the caltropolis she so detests. And abandons it in the sky.
I was toying with the idea of putting some complex patterns on the blanket she picnics on via distortion meshes, but decided that would be too show-offy and technical for the moment. There's more than enough fiddliness going on with that shot of Wormwood in the first panel.
The other thing of note that happened today was receiving a package: the custom collar we'd ordered at the Fetish Flea. Sadly I can't show you a photo of it, as it's a new design they don't have on
their site right now - but it's very pretty, with a few little faux gems, and green trim. It, ah... worked really well. Mmm. ♥ It needs to break in a little to be really comfortable, but it did some really interesting things to my head to put on a collar made specifically for me.