Quick notes on Anthrocon:
I won't be in the art show, at a dealer's table, or in the artist's alley. I'll do sketches if you catch me, though. Also if I manage to make the deadline I'll have some stuff in a multi-artist portfolio a few people will be selling.
I won't be costuming; I didn't have enough time and cashflow to bring my ideas to fruition. I'll likely spend a lot of the con with abstracted raccoon makeup on; that's about it.
Officially I'll be staying at
glashund's house but I suspect I may end up on the floor of one friend or another's room at the con hotels.
I don't know what name will be on my badge. I never do. I suspect I'll be recognizeable anyway: tall, skinny girlthing with artificially-colored hair.
I thought about stuff for the art show, but pondered it after all the panels were filled up. Wah. By next con I'll surely have a printer and will probably put some prints in the show.