Life, crappy sleep, angst, and cheeseburgers.

Mar 02, 2006 08:37

The past several days have been a blur.

Lots of intense dreams, some nightmares. Abandonment dreams and fears re T, similar ones with our Circle, dreams of eating lunch with Melody and talking with her. Someone's planning out disturbed art while we dream too - went ahead and sketched out a collage/shrine sort of thing that's quite mental. several of us are thinking about making it real, don't know what we'd do with the finished product though. Spent half of the last night awake - disturbing dreams or insomnia, what a choice.

Belly dancing, making art stuff, cooking, housework, whispering to the garden (when o when will spring finally arrive?) Friends racing around in their own orbits, with visits from the Drama Llama.

Seriously avoiding thinking about Circle stuff - the (almost) decision to rejoin a class is inducing serious stress. robe-o-phobia, and worst of all the potential of losing our circle if this class bombs. Have to look into a new solution for having a white robe to wear - the old one isn't around any longer.

Something was wrong with T last night. He took a nap after coming home, didn't want any of the food in the house. So we went out since he was hungry. He settled on Burger King, then threw a quiet fit because they didn't have cheeseburgers, only whoppers with cheese. We are baffled. Still don't know what it was about, but things were better a couple hours later.
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