Dreaming I was Dreaming

Nov 04, 2008 00:52

Surrounded by stone, he felt confined. It wasn't the right kind - he was looking for another kind of stone, but all of this was bland grey, coarsely worked by unskilled hands. It didn't speak to him like the one did. Or the second. Or the third.

But he sought the Twelve's Twenty. It was of the greatest importance that he find all Twenty; one, two, even ten couldn't help him -- he need each and every one, even if it took him centuries to find them. No longer would he trust the task to others; it would be he and he alone that would do it.

The restriction gnawed at him, all the way down to the bone, burning away his flesh and finally he decided enough was enough. Concentrating as hard as he could, he simply wished to look down from the skies again like when he had first arrived there. It had been gorgeous then, untainted by their hands. But in order to find the Twenty, he would burn the forest, topple mountains, and make whatever promises he needed to - whether he kept them was a different story entirely. It depended on his mood. Right now was not a good time. Perhaps in a year or two.

At first, he did see the island again. The green of the forest, the blue of the bay and ocean, and the mottled brown-grey of a civilization. But then it all got greener, clearer, different. It was... not as he'd expected it, not as he wanted it... was the Twenty here? Is that why he had come this time?

"This place does cal out, but why, like the Twenty did in -- once." The word was muffled, despite his most desperate attempts to hear it. "They can be found, but how?

Yes, he had come here on purpose, seeking again what he had lost. It had been a long journey though and he was tired now, exhausted from the traveling.

And so, for the first time in ages, he slept.


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