Pounded out in about 15 minutes. It's a bit silly, but I like it!
"Shouldn't we be making a, oh I don't know, a veterinarian do this?"
Warily, the women eyed the enormous horse, her fine fur a deep, almost bloody red, eyes curious and calm. Calleigh couldn't argue with Natalia's somewhat nervous question, but the mobile crime scene still had to be processed.
A step forward made the big filly jerk her head back, front hooves dancing in the straw and Natalia shrank back with a squeak of alarm. Steeling herself, Calleigh refused to budge, holding the beast's eye, even as she fidgeted. But her curiosity got the best of her and the green eyes trailed down the thick neck, rock-solid shoulders and over the blood-streaked saddle, still on her broad back.
The moment eye contact was broken, the filly calmed, reaching out that huge head to sniff at the small, strange human with her sunny hair. Calleigh was a smart woman and realized that the horse didn't like direct eye contact and smiled at the revelation.
"Don't look her in the eye, Nat. She's as nervous as we are."
"Yeah right."
With the big horse blowing hotly across her shoulder and neck, Calleigh slowly processed the mystery of the hunter-jumper's missing rider. Bloody on the dark saddle, streaked into the hide, the colors almost identical. Natalia kept her distance and handed her coworker supplies as needed.
"Hey!" Calleigh squawked as the filly mischievously nibbled at her sleeve, the big teeth precariously close to her vulnerable skin. This time the head toss seemed playful and the small woman was gratified to pet the velvety nose. "You poor thing. You probably miss your owner. We'll find out what happened to her, I promise."
Perhaps it was silly, but somehow Calleigh felt that the horse understood.
Just for you, Race.