Friends cut.

Aug 12, 2006 14:26

Well, it's time. I haven't been active in fandom for a long time, and I rarely even read anything now. I know a lot of you were here for fandom purposes, and I've fallen out of touch with a bunch of you. I'm going to endeavor to use this journal more often, but first I had to sort of clean up a bit... so I did a huuuuge friends cut. Nothing personal against anyone; I only cut people that I was pretty sure that I've either fallen hopelessly out of touch with or people that I think were only here for fandom.

If I defriended you and you're surprised or hurt, I'm sorry! Leave me a comment and I'll fix it! It was a huge cut and some people may have even been cut by accident. If you still want to read my journal or stay in touch or whatever, please leave me a comment or email me. Anyway. I have a new FO banner, too, courtesy of featherduster. I'm looking forward to being a better LJ friend in the future to all those whom I kept and anyone else who wants to stay, too.
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