no creo que voy a escritar una entrada muy largo, pero aqui es mi asunto

Mar 22, 2003 18:01

Yo siento diaryish today. Things came to a point that I was expecting them to all week. I'm not even sure if they would have, if I hadn't wanted to give things some sort of concrete assesment. But it's easier for me. Less thinking about what I am and am not allowed to do. And there obviously needs to be personal reconciling time.
I'm getting new underwear in the mail for free. So random. All I have to do it take pictures of myself wearing them and send them to matt. What an odd kid. It might be a little scary if it was someone i didn't know but matt's been around for years, and perhaps is crazy, but totally trustable.
Estoy viendo la pagina sencilla.
I told matt i was vaguely sad. He asked, "vaguely?".
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