header with a background

Jan 02, 2007 19:34

NOTE: If you are making a sidebar layout, skip this tutorial and go to http://www.livejournal.com/users/carriep63_stuff/14889.html OR http://www.livejournal.com/users/everything_lj/3804169.html.

Also note that you must use the complete override for this to work correctly. If you leave out parts of it, it will not work right.

NOTE 2: This override does not work if you have the navigation strip enabled on your journal. Adding


to your *_HEAD should fix it. Also note that this override does not work with a Plus account.

Since x_jevousaime wrote a tutorial on how to add a header to your journal, I thought I would write one on how to add both a header and a background. If you just want the header, then check out her lovely tutorial here. Note that this is only known to work with Generator.

However, if you want a header and a background, then merge the following codes into your GLOBAL_HEAD overrides:




background-color: black;
This is the background that will show while your background is loading, or if your background image does not cover the whole window.

background-image: url(http://urltoyourbackground);
The background image url goes here.

background-repeat: repeat;
If you want your background to have a tiled effect, then make leave this as it if. If you don't want your image to be tiled, then change this to no-repeat.

background-attachment: fixed;
This means that your background will not scroll with the entries. If you want it to scroll, then change this to scroll.

background-position: top left;
This is where you can position your background as you please.

background-image: url(http://urltoyourheader)
This is the url to your header image.

background-repeat: no-repeat;
You likely won't want your header to repeat, so leave this as it is.

background-position: top center;
This positions your header image.

This sets the height of the space above your entries, so that the entries do not overlap your image. Set this number to the height of your banner + 10.

div table { width: 640;
This sets the width of your entries, so that they're the same width as your banner. Set this to the width of your header.

NOTE: In order for your entries to be centered in a non-Internet Explorer browser (such as Firefox), you will need to add the following override:

table {
width: 640px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
/* do NOT change these numbers */
table table {
width: 100%;
margin:0; ;
table table table {
width: auto;

If you want the entries to be on one side or the other, change the margin-left and margin-right to numbers.

Original post located at http://www.livejournal.com/community/overridehelp/312794.html, posted by euterpeslullaby.

backgrounds, images, headers, overrides, tutorials

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