Kis-My-Ft2 (Fujigaya Taisuke) - TV Guide PERSON vol.33

Jun 25, 2015 00:00

Happy Birthday, Taisuke!!

I'm not exactly sure what I want to write, except for the usual hope his day would be nice, celebrations, lots of love...whatnot. He's 28! To think that I started to like him before he even reached 20 and now he has two more years until 30...that's so weird. Time has really flied. He had Nobunaga Concerto last year and TAKE FIVE this year, which I think, both were very good experiences for him. With the new album and concert tour coming up, I hope he'll continue to get great chances at work and enjoy himself, both work and in private~ Go surfing and all, but don't get super tanned!

So for Taisuke's birthday, I had considered translating something related to the whole group, since well, none of the translations involve the whole group. Except, I wanted it to be something recent as well, and to be honest, I haven't gotten a chance to read anything recent that involved the full group. Like, I just got my Myojo and Popolo today, so I wouldn't be able to do those, and I haven't touched the other three idol magazines either. I've been trying to resist buying every single TV magazine KisuMai appears in and well, all the recent ones to promote their album? They're rather short and all use the same promotional picture! If there's no new gravure spread to go with it, I told myself I shouldn't get and save me some several hundred yen. other option was a solo interview. I haven't read all of the recent ones either myself, but I read a good amount since the magazines with solo interviews? They take less time for me to read, mainly because I only read selected interviews. Unlike idol magazines, where I literally like, 90% of the whole magazine. Those take me like, 4-6 hours to get through one issue, haha.

So yes, I chose TV Guide PERSON's interview. PERSON usually have really nice interviews. This probably isn't the best PERSON interview though, but it's recent and I think it's still nice to hear some of Taisuke's recent thoughts. A lot of it is more like a reconfirmation - we've heard Taisuke say these things elsewhere; it reflects his personality so it's not a big surprise - but to have it all in one interview. It's nice.

Translation. With his own 28th birthday and KisuMai's 10th formation anniversary coming up, Taisuke reflects on how the group has changed and how he has changed as well, in regards to how they approach work, and what kind of recent influences they have received.

Fujigaya Taisuke

One year has 365 days, one day has 24 hours.
Everyone is living earnestly within that “limit”.
In the “time” and “place” bestowed to us, just what can we do?
While listening carefully to Fujigaya Taisuke’s story, I wondered about that.

In July, Kis-My-Ft2 (KisuMai from hereon) will approach their 10th formation anniversary. There’s their popularity as a group of course, but their individual activities in dramas, movies, and variety shows stand out too. Especially in recent years, due to the fact the number of shows with the group’s name in titles and being in main positions have increased, people’s degree of recognition of them raises every year. Within those seven members, people have a strong impression of Fujigaya Taisuke as an actor. Appearing in much discussed works one after the other, he is establishing his position as an actor. Still in his teens when his group was formed, he will be turning 28 in June. With his 30s coming soon, it is probably a period of time where he has various thoughts, as a group, as a member, and of course, as a person too. Right now, I wonder how he perceives his own situation and how he sees his future. I asked him about his own thoughts towards that.

--- It has been 10 years since KisuMai formed. When you hear that, is there anything that makes you feel deep emotions?

There are some things I can think of. I think it feels like it went by quickly, but I also think it’s been a long time… Even now though, there are times things feel the same way as when our group was formed. Just the other day, we had an event with our fans, and in the changing room, Senga (Kento) and Nikaido (Takashi) were tickling each other and messing around (laughs). That kind of scene is the same now as it was in the past.

--- That’s a heartwarming scene.

It is. Also, Yokoo (Wataru) would be crossing his arms and closing his eyes (laughs). It’s endearing… Well, it’s a good thing that we get along well, but leaving that aside, I think that slowly we have to pull ourselves together. I feel that way, especially lately. Depending on the type of work we get, I think we have to show that we can do things seriously properly too.

--- That’s a side (of the group) that’s different from before.

That’s right. In the past, first of all, it was important for people to know about us. SO the thing is, when the camera comes closer, all of us looked at the camera (laughs). We started like that, and as we gained experience, I felt that our way of approaching our work has changed gradually. Right now, we’re given chances to do various types of work, but for example, with variety shows, even if people who watch them think, “He’s surprisingly not cool,” or “I don’t think I really like him,” about me, it’s totally fine. But as a result of everyone trying out different things, I want people to think, “Somehow, KisuMai is (a) nice (group)” eventually. In order for that to happen, I wouldn’t fix my mind on how this work is different from our image and I’d always do things with all my might. That’s because I think my attitude can be conveyed to the people watching as well.

--- With “KisuMai GAME” (TV Asahi) which has started in April, you’re precisely putting your bodies on the line and doing things with all your might.

To put one’s body on the line - in the past, there were times I wondered, “Is this interesting to watch?” But in the end, since we’re not the ones doing the editing, we don’t know which parts will be used when the show airs either. In that case, for example if the goal is to clear a mission, it is important to work towards that with all our might, whether we can clear it or not. Not just the results, but there are times where showing the process until that point is interesting. Not to mention, our group has seven members, so even if we all do things with all our might, our individualities would show there. That’s why I think that also leads to something interesting.

--- You’re really a group with great individuality. Of course there’s KisuMai being popular, but I think the reason why Busaiku got their breakthrough is because they have well-defined personalities.

That’s true. I think Nakai (Masahiro)-san’s influence was huge on that too though. In our case, we had many opportunities to work together, so as expected, we receive a lot of influence from SMAP-san. When we debuted, we thought about things like, “We’re definitely aiming for the top!” We ignored the process to get there (laughs). But even SMAP-san didn’t suddenly reach where they are now. When I realized that, I knew in order to reach there in the distance future, we have to move up step by step.

--- So you’re saying that it’s important to accumulate experiences.

Yes. When we were young, we were all full of ideals after all. For this reason, I thought, “I’d definitely do Getsu9!” “I’d definitely do the lead role in a movie!” (laughs). [Note: Getsu9 stands for the 21:00 timeslot on Mondays where FujiTV airs their most-pushed drama of the season. Many popular dramas were aired in this timeslot and it’s a big thing to be able to appear in one of these dramas.] But if tomorrow, I am told, “You will be the lead for a Getsu9 drama,” I think I’d just end up showing the audience something embarrassing. I can’t make it work with just enthusiasm. There are plenty of things that I can’t do until I gain proper skills. That’s why, right now, no matter what kind of work comes my way, I’m always thinking of what I should do now in order to make it successful as I do it.

--- Even Nakai-san who’s the MC for this many shows right now didn’t get that position right away after all.

It seems like at first, he said to Johnny-san that he wanted to do MC. Then, he said that he was yelled at, that “YOU, definitely can’t do MC! You’re way too bad at talking!” You can’t imagine that from knowing how Nakai-san is now, right? But what’s important is what happened afterwards. To go on with it undauntedly or choose a different path. In Nakai-san’s case, I think the results of sticking to it and doing his best is “now”. When you think about it that way, the present is of course very important, but the present isn’t everything either. For the sake of our future too, I want to accumulate as many experiences as possible.

--- For you personally, Fujigaya-san, are you thinking of wanting to develop your acting skills more?

That’s right. I really do have a lot of interest in acting. I’m not good at it at all, but I want to do it, so I think it means that I like it. I think though, just having interest in it is no longer good enough. Since I’m almost 28 soon. If I think about the reality of things, when I’m on a set for acting, if I say, “This is my first time doing this, so I can’t do it”, then there won’t be anything left for me after that. If I was in my teens or early 20s, I think I’d be told, “Then use this work to gain some experience.” But to say that at my age now, it’s bad, or more that I won’t be able to accept it myself. I think I have to do lessen the amount of things “I can’t do”, even if it’s just a little.

--- I don’t think that’s an easy thing, but is there anything you’re doing to achieve that?

Starting from around last year, I started to use my private time in ways that would relate to work directly. The reason I started was “Nobunaga Concerto”. There were scenes where I had to ride a horse, but up until then, I’ve never ridden on a horse before. The cast members I worked with though rode (the horses) easily. When I asked them about it, there were people who practised when they appeared in a period drama back in their teens and there were people who went to practise before they started filming for this drama. For us, we find out about our work quite suddenly (laughs), but just because it’s sudden, it’s no reason for me to not be able to do it. If I can’t ride a horse, then even if I was told “Let’s change (your role),” then I can’t help it. That’s why, I had (the lead, Oguri) Shun-kun tell me where I can ride horses and on days I have no work or no filming, I went there. As a result, it’s true that my day off didn’t feel like a day off, but I think it’s fine to have periods of time like that as well. Not to mention once I tried it, horse-riding was fun.

--- Once you learn it now, there’d definitely be a day when it will prove to be useful in the future too.

That’s right. In that sense, not just horse-riding, but things like sword fighting and combative sports, it might be better if I do those too. Up until now, I’ve just been saying simply I’m interested in acting, or I like it, but when I talk to Shun-kun, he’s thirsty for more and he’s always thinking about acting as part of his life. Compared to that, I thought, “What have I done until now?” That’s why, I want to try starting it now.

--- With combative sports, Okada Junichi-san and Ikuta Toma-san are doing them too.

That’s right. When Shun-kun took me out for food, just once, Toma-kun was with us too, and the conversation between Shun-kun and Toma-kun is cool. Because it is a conversation between people who both really love acting. At first, while thinking, “Amazing!”, I listened to them, but somewhere along the way, I started to wonder what I’d say if I joined this conversation… I felt that things can’t go on this way. Having been able to work with Shun-kun, I was really motivated.

--- SMAP-san, Oguri Shun-san. You have many wonderful senpai around you.

I’m really grateful for that. I want to become good at acting like Shun-kun, but as expected, I think it’s impossible if I don’t gain more experiences. That’s why, while causing inconveniences to people around me, while getting embarrassed, I feel that keep working is all I can do. From Nakai-san too, I received advice - “To start with, do all sorts of things until you’re 30 years old. The one who embarrasses himself is the winner. Then starting from 30, I think you can then start mastering what you want to do.” For that reason alone, the things we are given a chance to do now, I can only do everything and anything with all my might. When I did a drama with Kimura (Takuya)-san too, Kimura-san was doing things with all his might even during rehearsals. Even with eating scenes, he’d eat with vigour during rehearsals. That kind of attitude provided a good influence to everyone on the set. When the captain is doing things with all his might, everyone around would go, “Alright, let’s do this!” and everyone would become one. To be given a chance to learn from such senpai - this is my current position now. Surely, everyone wasn’t able to do these things from the start. I think their present is the results of learning that way.

--- So right now, you’re really highly-motivated. That’s why, you’d do horse-riding in private and use that time for work. But what do you do when you really need a breather?

I’d go out for food with friends or go shopping. I say that though, but really, every year, I get worse at being able to talk to people who I meet for the first time. I can’t ask the shop clerk for sizes (laughs). That’s why lately, I always ask the person who I go with, to ask if there are other sizes. Since I’m that kind of person, even if I want to go out for shopping or food, if none of my friends’ schedules match with me, I wouldn’t go (laughs).

--- With surfing, you go with your friends, so it’s fine, right?

Yes. It’s the same with Tama(mori Yuuta), but we have a group we go with and a lot of the people we meet over there (at the beach) are people we know too. Speaking of which, recently, some stern-looking men from the local area came up to me and said, “We’re part of the Busaiku faction. Send our regards to the four of them.” It’s like, what is that!? (laughs) It’s not like we’re split into three and four and in rivalry. Even when the four members of Busaiku say, “The costumes of the three in the front are flashy and that’s nice,” it’s more like a joke, and it’s not like we’re saying, “These three are good-looking” either. It’s like the image of three versus four just spread on its own (laughs). Rather, the seven of us get along really well. That’s why, I told the four of them about it. Like, so I was surrounded by five older men… The four of them laughed as well.

To challenge everything with all his power. That probably is the policy of Fujigaya now. And then, that dedication surely will allow him to mature more and more. Those passionate “thoughts” lurking behind the shining idol face. I felt like I saw the heart inside the man called Fujigaya Taisuke.

Hope people enjoyed this~

je: fujigaya taisuke, topic: je, ~translations, group: kis-my-ft2

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