A.B.C-Z (Goseki Koichi) - Kyou no Gocchi [2013.06.30]

Jul 03, 2013 23:08

Sorry for the late post. On Monday, I didn't really have much spare time, plus I was feeling out of it due to anemia (napping for an hour and eating quickly solved the problem though) so I just relaxed and did nothing but watch stuff in the evening. Then yesterday, I was just being lazy due to the weather, plus no time at work again. Today, I had time, so I finally translated.

As sudden as it may be, this is the final Kyou no Gocchi.

All entries are available for viewing on J-web, and they're collecting opinions too, so if you have access, feel free to send in a response! If it's well-received, it's totally possible that Kyou no Gocchi will be back. For now though, this is the end.

Random tidbits from Goseki-sama about his day.

Kyou no Gocchi
Today’s Gocchi

2013.6.30 11:55

Hey (^0^)/

Nh? It’s the last Kyou no Gocchi

So fast

I’ll try to update lots today

2013.6.30 14:15

As soon as I said I’ll update lots, I left 3 hours blanks

I have quite the nerve

I’ll be going to get a late lunch! I haven’t decided on what to eat yet

2013.6.30 15:10

I decided on pasta~ (^0^)/
Homemade by my mom~ (laughs)

My mom’s tarako pasta I have boasted about several times in things like magazines

Did I take the photo properly?

2013.6.30 15:32

Dessert after the meal


2013.6.30 18:06/18:35


I thought the wind today felt good, but it’s chilly after the sun has set

I wonder if wearing a t-shirt was a bad idea


Convenience store now (^0^)/

There’s the milk tea I’m addicted to lately


2013.6.30 19:50/20:25


It may be late, but my friend invited me out for a meal alongside celebrating my birthday, so I’ll be going

The place I was called to though was
a teppanyaki restaurant


The number of people waiting for me, two


It’s just a regular outing



I said a lot of complaints, but
teppanyaki was delish (laughs)

Have you ever had margherita monja!? [Note: Monja or Monjayaki is a Japanese dish similar to okonomiyaki but with a thinner and runnier consistency.]

This was a shock

I did take a photo, but since it doesn’t look that appealing, I won’t show it (laughs)

2013.6.30 20:55

Well, it’s been quick, but Kyou no Gocchi is the last with today’s Gocchi

It was a project that started to have you learn about my mysterious sides, but how was it!?

I’m just a normal guy, right? (laughs)

Personally, I had wanted to try doing things like ~now! so it was fun

If there’s a chance, I want to do something again, so please keep me company

And that's the end of Kyou no Gocchi!

I wonder who will be the one to get a solo serial next? Well, depending on the contents, I may or may not translate it...we'll just have to see!

Hope people enjoyed this~

topic: je, ~translations, je: goseki koichi, group: a.b.c.-z, jweb: kyou no gocchi

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