Fashion Magazines etc July 2011 - April 2012 Kis-My-Ft2, Gackt, Mizobata Junpei Scans

Mar 09, 2012 01:45

I said I would try to get scans for with up soon, but um, calendar has been shipped, and I finally put up scans? 8D; At least that's because it got shipped early and it's not the actual release date yet. It will still take a while before I get it though (YesAsia and its standard shipping...) so I'm pretty sure someone will get to scanning it before I do.

Aaaaand, while I'm writing this post, covers out for SHE! HER! HER! It's not up on the website though I think because photos are coming from displays of the actual CDs at Family Club. Limited version is CM guy version. First press regular is girl version (I'm assuming we'll see a regular regular version again then >>'') and shop not too epic. See here. (Did the designers not realize Nika's triangle is orange and Wataru's green?) Oh, and KisuMai will be on Ii Tomo Monday, however, I somehow doubt it'll be all members.

Anyway, scans. Yea, there's a random old issue of anan in there with A.N.JELL because I never got it when it was released and after finally getting it, I never got around to scanning it. >>'' Same with Seventeen. The rest I got in my most recent shipping from amazon.

Fashion and lifestyle magazines scans. A.N.JELL in anan 2011.07.20, Kitayama Hiromitsu x Fujigaya Taisuke x Tamamori Yuuta and Ikuta Toma in anan 2011.12.21, Yamada Ryosuke x Fujigaya Taisuke x Nakajima Yuuto in CanCam March 2012, Kis-My-Ft2, Gackt and Mizobata Junpei in Seventeen January 2012, as well as Kis-My-Ft2, Gackt in with April 2012. 300dpi.

(click to enlarge preview)

anan 2011.07.20 (A.N.JELL) (23.25MB)
anan 2011.12.21 (Ikuta Toma) (30.41MB)
anan 2011.12.21 (Kitayama Hiromitsu x Fujigaya Taisuke x Tamamori Yuuta) (20.36MB)
CanCam March 2011 (Yamada Ryosuke x Fujigaya Taisuke x Nakajima Yuuto) (35.88MB)
Seventeen January 2012 (Gackt) (5.59MB)
Seventeen January 2012 (Kis-My-Ft2) (10.66MB)
Seventeen January 2012 (Mizobata Junpei) (34.22MB)
with April 2012 (Gackt) (11.08MB)
with April 2012 (Kis-My-Ft2) (17.16MB)

All links work. If you have problems downloading, it's MF's problem. Give it a rest and please try again later. Be sure to check that MF didn't end downloading the file earlier than it's supposed to.

Comments are much appreicated. ♥

Please credit shatteredtenshi if you ever use these scans for anything. =D If you're reposting, please credit and include a link to this post. Leaving a comment where the scans are being reposted would be nice as well. ^^

No stealing (as in repost without credit and claim them as your own)! Taking for personal use is of course okay.

je: yaotome hikaru, magazine: other, actor: mizobata junpei, je: nakajima yuuto, je: yamada ryosuke, topic: je, je: fujigaya taisuke, ~scans, je: ikuta toma, group: kis-my-ft2, je: tamamori yuuta

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