Attempt at being productive, involving searching up news articles and writing my lesson plan for next week. o/ I'm getting a bunch of essays to mark next week (honestly speaking, not looking forward to marking - my class isn't very bright at times, though I like them enough), so class next week is just...activities whatnot that involves no marking and handing stuff in. As an attempt at a fun and group activity, they'll be reading a news article (found them one where a crocodile stole a zoo worker's lawn mower because I don't want them reading stuff about people dying when it's their first week back at school), reviewing 5W1H, then writing their own funky news story which will be shared with the class the following week. My mentor teacher likes the activity enough. Not sure about the students, haha. XD; We'll see.
Waratte Ii Tomo, they had a new game corner!! With NonSana dancing!! Ahhhh, they're so adorable! Not to mention NonSana are dancing to girls idol group songs LOL (old ones though). The point was to dance nostalgic dances and regulars have to guess the song (regulars and audience cannot hear the music, only the beat). I hope they'll make this a regular game corner, not just because it's New Year.
...NonSana will be on a TV show!!! =O Details
here. 世界謎学アカデミーワンダークエスト (Sekai Nazogaku Academy Wonder Quest) January 6th, 25:35 - 26:35. It clearly lists noon boyz as people appearing in the show!
Finally done with scanning the KAT-TUN pages from remaining 2011 magazines!
Scans. KAT-TUN pages from Duet, Myojo, Popolo, Potato, and Wink Up. 300dpi.
(click to enlarge preview)
Duet November 2011 (24.51MB)
Duet November 2011 (Drama Introductions - Bemu and Last Money) (9.03MB)
Duet December 2011 (including pin-up) (53.68MB)
Duet December 2011 (Youkai Ningen Bemu) (9.64MB)
Myojo November 2011 (50.98MB)
Myojo November 2011 (Youkai Ningen Bemu) (5.82MB)
Myojo December 2011 (including pin-up) (58.33MB)
Myojo December 2011 (Runaway ~Aisuru Kimi no Tame ni~) (12.29MB)
Myojo December 2011 (Youkai Ningen Bemu) (22.53MB)
Popolo November 2011 (35.67MB)
Popolo December 2011 (33.33MB)
Popolo December 2011 (Youkai Ningen Bemu) (11.83MB)
Potato November 2011 (43.25MB)
Potato December 2011 (42.84MB)
Potato December 2011 (Runaway ~Aisuru Kimi no Tame ni~) (5.23MB)
Potato December 2011 (Youkai Ningen Bemu) (11.79MB)
Wink Up November 2011 (including pin-up) (51.9MB)
Wink Up December 2011 (including pin-up) (53.3MB)
Wink Up December 2011 (Runaway ~Aisuru Kimi no Tame ni~) (9.17MB)
Wink Up December 2011 (Youkai Ningen Bemu) (9.9MB)
For more Dream Boys reports and miscellaneous pages in the magazines that might include KAT-TUN, check the following:
November Duet, Potato, Wink Up December Duet, Potato, Wink Up November Myojo December Myojo November Popolo December Popolo All links work. If you have problems downloading, it's MF's problem. Give it a rest and please try again later. Be sure to check that MF didn't end downloading the file earlier than it's supposed to.
Comments are much appreicated. ♥
Please credit
shatteredtenshi if you ever use these scans for anything. =D If you're reposting, please credit and include a link to this post. Leaving a comment where the scans are being reposted would be nice as well. ^^
No stealing (as in repost without credit and claim them as your own)! Taking for personal use is of course okay.