Sorry for the Spam

Jun 10, 2011 15:33


After my Hotmail account getting hacked last week, my Gmail account has also been hacked just about 3 hours ago.

Compared to my Hotmail account, my Gmail account has a lot more addresses since I use it more actively, especially dealing with LJ users through selling and buying and all that.

If you have received spam from my email address, I'm sorry. The problem has been solved and I have changed my password as well to prevent similar problems in the future.

I'd love to send an email directly to all affected, but that would likely suspend my address once again since Gmail does not encourage mass mailing in the first place. Even if I try to send out in batches, it may still cause problems, because there really was a lot of addresses that spam were sent to. I think a good amount of people on that list still read my LJ every now and then, so I hope most people would be able to read this post.

Again, sorry about the spam.
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