(click to enlarge)
After going off to develop b&w film for my other class, I spent the last...70 minutes or so editing my photos for the class I'm in right now. (Yes, I'm in class right now.) Though, really, 25 minutes of that 70 is to make that compilation above...which is not necessary at all. I just made it for fun and see to the photos together properly without printing them. I was being picky and had to drag guides all over the psd so I could have even borders. //whacked//
The next step would be to print these photos...but I don't think I'll be able to do so today because other people are using the printers, and we only have limited numbers. I'll probably have to go printing on Tuesday and if I don't finish, Wednesday. It doesn't sound like a lot - 5 images only as they're diptychs - but I'm printing them on 12" x 17" on 13" x 19" paper. They're going to take time. Plus, they might not look the same on paper as on the screen, so if I'm picky, I would have to reprint and that's no fun.
Whatever. I'll do my best.
Any comments or feedback on my photos would be appreciated! My prof is scary. =(
PS I is on a Mac desktop right now, and I'm like all alsjfhalfa over it and I want one for myself >>'' Plus PSCS3 at least, damnit. I'm still stuck with a PS7 on a Windows desktop.