Myojo September 2010 KisuMai, A.B.C.-Z, Kinki, T&T etc Scans

Sep 09, 2010 17:34

The next post should hopefully be new October mags. Hopefully. For now, have Myojo.

I worry for my bandwidth, so I've been holding back on downloading some things. Once school starts, I'll try abusing the bandwidth there a bit again. Not that I have a lot of time to use my laptop there, unlike last year. Bah.

Went out to have lunch with Emi today, so at least I wasn't completely stuck in the house the whole week, other than appointments. Also finally started to watch GM. Too much crack. I can't watch one whole episode properly D=

I actually have a new row of film already put into my camera before I came back home, thinking I'd take more photos, but didn't. That means before next week, I have to take 36 photos to use up the roll of film, otherwise, I can't use my camera for assignments. orz;; I can't roll back the film in for mine... The weather isn't great today though, so hopefully I can take some photos outside tomorrow.

Oh, please to watch JFC videos if you haven't yet, because like, lol, Tono singing Warui Otoko to Jin. XDDD I didn't except clip from Tono's con to be in Jin's video, lol.

Myojo scans. KisuMai, ABC-Z, Nakayama Yuuma w/ B.I.Shadow, Morimoto Shintarou, BAD, 7West, BOYS, T&T, Kinki Kids, Ikuta Toma x Aragaki Yui, Okada Junichi, Okada Junichi x Inohara Yoshihiko, Miura Haruma, Miura Shouhei, Yamamoto Yuusuke x Mizobata Junpei, Seto Kouji, BREAKERZ, WaT. 300dpi.

(click to enlarge preview)

A.B.C-Z (9.93MB)
Drama Reports (Unobore, GM ~Odore Doctor~) (15.78MB)
Ikuta Toma x Aragaki Yui (15.28MB)
Imai Tsubasa (15.71MB)
Kansai Juniors (20.82MB)
Kinki Kids (26.34MB)
Kis-My-Ft2 (16.26MB)
Miscellaneous (22.06MB)
Miura Haruma (10.13MB)
Miura Shouhei (11.02MB)
Morimoto Shintarou (9.6MB)
Nakayama Yuuma w/ B.I.Shadow (23.53MB)
Okada Junichi (16.09MB)
Okada Junichi x Inohara Yoshihiko (9.35MB)
Seto Kouji (5.24MB)
Takizawa Hideaki (15.17MB)
WaT (10.25MB)
Yamamoto Yuusuke x Mizobata Junpei (10.46MB)

All links work. If you have problems downloading, it's MF's problem. Give it a rest and please try again later. Be sure to check that MF didn't end downloading the file earlier than it's supposed to.

Comments are much appreicated. ♥

Please credit shatteredtenshi if you ever use these scans for anything. =D If you're reposting, please credit and include a link to this post. Leaving a comment where the scans are being reposted would be nice as well. ^^

No stealing (as in repost without credit and claim them as your own)! Taking for personal use is of course okay.

je: domoto koichi, group: bad, group: a.b.c.-z, actress: aragaki yui, group: v6, actor: mizobata junpei, je: domoto tsuyoshi, group: johnny's jrs, je: nakata daichi, je: ikuta toma, group: kis-my-ft2, je: imai tsubasa, magazine: myojo, group: kinki kids, actor: miura haruma, d-boys: seto kouji, actor: yamamoto yuusuke, je: takizawa hideaki, je: hamada takahiro, je: okada junichi, topic: je, ~scans, je: morimoto shintarou, actor: miura shouhei, group: kansai juniors, group: nakayama yuuma w/ bishadow, group: tackey and tsubasa

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