I was going to post over the weekend, but I was busy and my mind was too dead to write an entry. I decided I can afford to procrastinate at the moment, so I'm procratinating. //gets bricked//
So last week was my first full week of classes and work and whatnot. Monday was Japanese...and well, there's nothing that special. Lol. Japanese is...Japanese class. I learn what I've learned already and two hours pass like that. //tries to snap fingers, but fail// Then I had driving lessons, but let's not talk about that because I really do fail at driving. I mean, I have a license and all, but my heart is not in it. X3;; I need to take the highway test sometime soon, so that's why I have some extra lessons to go through stuff.
Tuesday was volunteer work day. Basically, I went back to my high school. X3;; It was my first day and my job was pretty much keep Special Education students company...? I don't teach them anything, but they do have workbook stuff every now and then and I help them if they have questions. It was a bit of a hectic day for my first day because one of the students um...got a bit hysterical? That's probably not the right word...but something close to it. I could hear her screaming down the hallway, and I was left with perhaps three to four students with no educational assistants around. Luckily, the students behaved and I just made some small conversations with them. I think I'll stop here about Tuesday because I just don't really know what to write...I think I need to learn how to not be over-sensitive among these guys. I...I don't know. I just need experience, and I'm sure this will be a good experience. So I'll be going back tomorrow because it's Tuesday again. I'll be there pretty much for the whole year every Tuesday unless I need to take a break for whatever reason until May. I think.
Wednesday. More Japanese. I found out that one of the girls in my class in a NewS fan. <3 Because I'm sure not one JE fan can resist asking if I'm a fan too when I have a shiny NewS folder on my desk. XDDD //whacked// Then, when I started reading Duet, the guy in front came up to me and asked if I'm NewS fan too...and whoa! It's a male fan! Haha. XDD;; But but...why do they both give looks when I say my favourite is Kei?! Heck, the guy didn't know Kei was Koyama. DDD= //whacks him// He asked what do I like about Kei...and I was like...everything! What's there not to like?! Honestly. Kei = <333 Since male fans are a minority, I find it amusing and fun to laugh over Tegoshi's Believe with a guy. XDD;;
Then after that, I ate lunch...Japanese food. <3 And was off to lithography. We had our last demonstration for the month, which was how to print from the stone, and I didn't fall asleep. How lovely. Though...the main reason was because I was standing for nearly two hours, watching the prof work on the process. >.>'' I didn't want to sit on a stool since I might not be able to see...but I didn't realize it would be so long. DDD= Not to mention the demo was longer than expected due to technical difficulties. =.= Anyways, the prof reminded us when we have group critics for our first project, so I started freak a bit, wondering what I should do because I really don't have a lot of time to go into the studio. Prints were due in like three weeks and I didn't even draw on the stone yet and the chemical process takes a while, especially when I can't go into the studio every single day. So let's just say I was a bit worried. Luckily, that day, I finally managed to talk to the prof, or the prof finally got to me, and my idea was approved. ^^ She gave me some suggestions and I was happy I bs-ed my ideas pretty well to her. //whacked// Because sketchbook is worth marks as well.
Then, it was Thursday. My first real lecture of the year. Critical Issues in the Studio. I'm so freakin' glad we don't have an exam for this course and only an essay...because essays are so much easier to just write blah and get marks then freak out on an exam and fail. Anyways, the way she lectures, I find it pretty easy to take notes on. And not every single slide has a lot of words, so it forces me to take my own notes, then just copy from the slides. Though...she did have quotes from the book and I did copy them down. X3;; She should just include the page number so I can write the first few words and last few words, and look the rest up at home. Then, we had a guest speaker...I wasn't really paying attention because my laptop can be distracting...but I think I got the main points anyways. After that was tutorial. My leader seems to have warmed up a bit and spoke more or something like that...he just seemed a bit different compared to our first tutorial, but he reminded me of my Calculus teacher who goes on and on and goes off topic. DD= Not to mention he wanted everyone to talk and he made me and this girl a few minutes late for our English lecture. ><'' And it seems like one of those people where you lose his respect, you'll lose it forever, so I'm kind of wary in his class. I had been thinking about writing literal bs for the question set we have to submit online for the course (because by submitting, we get full marks already), but now it's not such a good idea. =.= I shall need to bs smartly.
After that was English. The lecture was short...and I can't remember what happened. //gets whacked// We have our first essay assigned and it's on freakin' poetry and I fail at poetry. At least it's our first essay. They take the best 3 our of 4. So I can afford to screw this up and adjust to university essay writing. Which reminds me, I need to make use of that Student Writing Center where they can look over your paper and give you advices on how to improve.
Then after that, I had lunch and went online for a bit before going into the lecture hall for Fine Arts and Cultural Studies. Eww. I still don't get the course. Whatever. But it has exams. Yuck. The prof was smart and found the microphone...but the microphone might not like the prof because it had technical difficulties when it was fine in the morning. So, I had to strain to hear him again. His slides had a lot of words, so I got distracted into typing those...I wonder if he just doesn't emphasize points that aren't on the slides enough or am I just deaf. It could be both. Hopefully I'll improve next lecture. I don't want to fail. Then, for the tutorial, I realized I was the only Asian in it. How sad.
Did I mention? For nearly the whole day, I was faced with Marchel Duchamp's Fountain and people debating where it was art or not. Then in English, we were discussing what was tradition. //dizzy// I already learned about certain theories about art in high school so I'm kind of numb about modern art...so I got really tired when I saw Duchamp's Fountain again during the tutorial for FACS. It's annoying.
Anyways, after that ended, I went into the studio and drew my border on my stone and did a rough sketch and stuff. I felt accomplished somehow because I can see what's going to be on my stone! //whacked// I don't know...sketches are quick and simple...and you can barely tell what is what, but yet there's something on there...so yea. If that made sense. X3;;
Friday. Eto...English tutorial early in the morning. Yuck. We had a quiz, and I probably failed because I can never remember details from a poem. Luckily, again, it's best out of whatever. I just hope the other quizzes I'll do better. Uhh...crap. I forgot if we have a quiz every week. If we do...//stares at anthology book// Mou...//whacks it// We also got more details about our essay and I want to screw it. Rawr.
Then, it was break time, and since it was too early, I didn't eat lunch. I just went on my laptop. Lol. X3;; Soon, it was the lecture for Art of Asia. The more the lecture went on, the more I was convinced it was about Chinese cultural history and not art of China. We even watched an old, cheesy, crappy video about Qin dynasty and the first empreror of China! Oi! Where's the art?! Or are we going to go back to the question of is this art or not art when we talking about the ritural vessel?! >.>'' Ugh...whatever. It was the first time we had tutorials for this course, so there was the usual introduction thing. Then we got a few review questions where we have to answer and discuss to refresh our memories. Blah blah. I'm glad the tutorial ended quickly. =.=
Saturday. First day at work for Saturday school. I'm not paid per hour...but I get an monthly allowance. It's a bit less than expected, but it's not like I can ask the principal of the school for more because JE likes taking my money. //whacked// The first session is math, which was just fine because they were Gr.7s and I can still kind of communicate with them. There's this one kid who's a bit disrespectful and a bit loud, but he seems smart and can do the work, so at least when he's working, he can be quiet. Then there's these two girls who likes anime and kept on saying that I should say one word in Japanese every time they finish a question from their homework. After that, I had to drive my sister over to this other school for her badminton lessons because she has abacus class where I help out. Then, I had to drive back to continue teaching. Second session was art. The oldest was a Gr.8 and I've been told I'll be responsible for her as well as three other students for the rest of the year. Yatta. I can use my Gr.9 stuff on that girl. XDD;; Anyways, the others are one Gr.6 girl and two Gr.5. I have to start planning. Third session was French. Ewwwwww. At least it was beginner and I was just saying numbers in French with this cute Gr.2 boy. <3 I want to poke his cheeks. He's adorable. So, that would basically be my Saturday afternoon from now on till the end of the school year. Except for holidays of course.
Did I mention I drove single-handed on Saturday? Haha. I thought I'd try because it was less tiring than having both hands on the wheel all the time. I felt cool. //whacked//
We also went out for dinner that day since it was a family gathering for mid-autumn festival. It's actually tomorrow, but eating out is always better when done on the weekend. So that's what we did. Then we watched fireworks because it was organized for the same reason. ^^ Then, we went out for dessert! Busy day. Haha. I barely stayed at home for more than an hour each time in between because we just kept on moving. If that made sense.
I also finally met my cousin after like three weeks of not seeing her. She went to university this year too, and she went off to residence in Waterloo. So yea. She seems to be having a much better time than me. Lol. At least she has her group of friends and even found someone special so soon! Well, I guess it's hard not to make at least a few friends leaving in residence. I wonder if being apart had to do anything with it, or she really wanted to share things with someone, because we had a lot to talk about that night. It makes me want a boyfriend too. //whacked// I don't see any potentials around though.
Sunday was lazing around at home when I should be working on my partner project and also out for dinner agian. Did I ever mention I think I have some sort of brother complex? I think my cousin is hot. And I call him my brother. And sometimes, I think I act like a schoolgirl with a crush around him. And the way he dressed last night was chou kakko ii. //whacked// Maybe I just don't see him often enough. Not to mention he doesn't do more than a nod of head when he saw me at uni because we go to the same university except most of his classes are in the evening while mine are in the morning and afternoon. I want to glomp him at times, but I haven't done that since forever and it would be really weird to start now.
Today was Japanese again. Well, nothing too interesting there. Then, because it was my half-day and I can afford to, I went into the studio to draw on my stone. I'm so glad I did because I feel like I'm on schedule now. I didn't manage to finish the stone properly, but I pretty much reached my goal of finish drawing 85%. At first, I was a bit apprehensive about it, but after working on it for nearly four hours, staring at it for quite a bit, and going rawr at it, I think I actually like it. XDD;;; Not to mention it looks much better in a photo. I know because I took a photo of it. ^^ So yea...I can do the first part of the chemical process during the class on Wednesday.
My prof came by and came to talk to me since she saw me drawing. She said I should try to be on the second part of the chemical process so she could help with inking-up my stone, but I was like, I want more opinion on my drawing before making it really permanent, so she was like okay, that's not a bad idea. So yea, first part of the process will be done on Wednesday, and I plan to stay behind again on Monday to do the second part, then I can print next Wednesday and make it in time for the group critics the week after that.
During my time in the studio, my partner also came in and I went out with her. She ate her lunch while I took a few photos of her for my portrait of her. I printed them instantly a few hours ago, so my project is now like more than 50% done. <333 Yay. I feel accomplished today. I knew there was a reason I picked photography as the main media for the project. //gets bricked//
Anyways, I think that's all I have to say. I should go to sleep in the most, two hours...and I have to struggle with the question set before then. I really want to finish them tonight and post tomorrow. So I have one less thing to worry about. Writing this post took longer than expected.
Tomorrow is Special Educaiton and driving lessons.
By the way, there's a reason there's minimum fandom in this post...I really don't feel like writing about it. I'm sure people have heard enough opinions about it anywyas.
Right. I'll end here. And continuing RP-ing RyoKame with Karu now. //gets whacked//