mmm water

Mar 17, 2006 00:47

i think it's about time for a real entry here.

so i now work at rave..been there almost a month now. it's not too bad, actually work with 4 people i went to high school with and one i had 2 college classes with. they're a week behind with checks, so i'm getting my first one tomorrow. thank god. cutting it close cuz my car payment is due monday.

this week is spring break..of course i'm not going anywhere. unless you count auburn on saturday. james called me earlier this week to see if i'd be able to go to the A-Day game to watch ashley perform (she's a majorette for AU) so i thought it would be fun so i'm going. however, there's a chance i won't be able to get in because i don't have my student ID yet and we'll see.

i'm going back to auburn on april 7th for SOS (orientation) and that's when i'm getting my student ID. nice timing, huh?

i'm moving in 48 days and i'm very excited. only thing is i'm waiting to hear about my loan..i'm getting very antsy about that.

my dad has another physical therapist coming to the house to work with him. yesterday was his first day (after evaluations) and he said he's gonna put in a request to get him an occupational therapist. hopefully he'll be able to cuz he needs it.

on a completely different note i felt like making an entry about people, but don't wanna make a separate one, so here goes my little rant. i've just been thinking a lot in the last few days how people as a whole just do nothing but disappoint you. i've just been noticing a lot lately how different individuals have disappointed me greatly. some people i just don't understand why they do what they do. no matter how i felt about these certain people i always respected them, but not anymore. i don't know, i guess i just saw certain people a certain way and never thought they'd be like they are now. the only thing i can say is i hope they have a good life and are happy. i may have been let down by them and would prefer to not talk to them or associate with them, but if they ever needed genuine help, would i turn my back on them? no. it's not that i wouldn''s that i couldn't.
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