May 22, 2005 18:33
haven't done this in a while so why not. i'm back in my vest/bowtie at work now and it was SO hot today and it made me sleepy, so i'm just trying to stay awake now.
lots has happened in the last month. started my mini-term on may 11th and took my final last wednesday and got a B in the class. then i start math 100 thursday. so not wanting to go back to school so soon. oh well.
wow, so much HAS happened in the last month..don't know what to put on here. all i know is that besides me being hot and tired at the moment i've been V happy so whoohoo. can it be next weekend yet? that'd be nice.
i may go to Toni's (annette's neice) tournament game tomorrow night at adamsville park but depending on how long it is i may hafta leave early so i can watch the season finale of sad huh? eh well.
bought team america and shaun of the dead last those movies. me & narada have been doing and saying stuff from team america and in response (or even randomly) we'll be standing there and wave our arms around like they tell gary to do if he's in MATT DAMON! yeah ok.
antione has been an ass clown lately.
i think i'm gonna stretch out on the floor and watch A Man Apart *waves*
♥ Chrissy