
Jan 30, 2007 22:02

So, I just got back from ACTF (American College Theatre Festival), which was held in Ames, Iowa (and if you haven't been there, you're not missing much, fyi). That was pretty much one of the coolest experiences I've ever had, and I'm having serious withdrawal from it right now. More on that later, when I have more time.

On to the next order of business, and the real reason why I'm writing this. So, bad news, guys. My phone has decided to die and be broken, so I'm without a phone until I get everything figured out and have a new one sent to me. Yes, that's freaky as that is, there technically isn't any way to get ahold of me via phone or text, seeing as that's essentially my only number, until I get a new phone. My roommate has been gracious enough to forward calls through her phone to me, so if you're seriously desperate and need to get ahold of me for some emergency (like a real one) anytime after 6, let me know and I'll figure out an accomodation. Otherwise...internet/e-mail/facebook is the way to go.

And another craptastical item: I just might need numbers if they can't recover that. And that, my friends, is going to suck like a whore on Lake Street.

It's really going to be interesting to see how I do without a phone for a few days. I consider it a test of endurance.
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