whitestripes whitestripes whitestripessssss

Aug 21, 2003 12:57

I asked mum if i could go this morning, she said we`ll have to talk about it..i need 30 bucks for the ticket, mom said theres stuff around here that i can do to earn money, so i`ll do that, i`m gonna try to be good and not fight with them or anything, because if i don`t get to go to this concert....

Mom said Patty's (her friend from work) son got the new d/c cd. and said it was really really good and worth getting, and patty told mum to tell me i should get it. no duh. lol

They`re coming here the 7th..too bad i can`t go *sobs*

I went to kings dominion yesterday. and i lost my eyeliner. bitchhhh. but hell, at least i got to ride roller coasters =D I think we`re going again next wednesday, because i`m one of the lucky few who doesn`t start school until september 2nd. go me! *dancedance*
ahh yesh, i have a needless panic journal now, so if you`re over there, go check it out..my username is shatteredreamsx. who woulda thunk. haha.
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