It was a quiet death. We woke this morning to find that Braedy had died while we were asleep. He was a good dog, well loved, and he will be quite missed. I'm numb. The grief hits me in odd waves here or there. When the tears come, I cry them out, and try to remember that he's not in pain anymore. He's not laboring to breath or restlessly trying to get comfortable. We buried him this morning out at dee's dad's house in Michigan. It was a sunny spot, surrounded by trees, and we made the best of what we could. Our friend Rich, helped us bury him, actually I should say he did all the hard work and made us leave so that we wouldn't have to watch the dirt be filled in. We tried to keep the conversation light, and it was actually a nice gathering of some of us who loved Braeden. I can appreciate that he cried for my dog, that Braeden touched his life the same way he filled mine. The house is eerily quiet, Gypsy seems unaffected. Listening to Loki (the chiggerman) wail in the kitchen was heart-rending. All is quiet here. All is quiet.
In loving memory, of my first dog on my own, my dear, dear Beowhoop, Braedybarloo, Bubbachong, sweetest dog I've loved.
Ps. Pam I hope you don't mind my using the pic you took of him, it's one of the better ones I could find.