Sep 06, 2006 15:42

School started a week ago.
My classes are pretty good.
I have first period with gina<3 So im glad for that.
I have A lunch and i sit with Katy, Kirstin, John, Chris, Byrant, Matt, and a few others.
I have been basically working everday after school, and on the weekends hanging out with gina and ashlie and the kids from bellwood<3 (:
Work is soo much fun, i love it<3
Im on the executive committee for school, and i might run for not sure yet.
I still want to move out of here.. but i d k if that will happen till febuary.
I miss my mom.
Today at work we have a meet the family and friends night, im taking gina,tisha, daeshawn, and chelsey b. i think.
The grand opening is friday.
I miss Christina and lacretia.
I actually got to hangout with Katlyn the other day<3 We went to the mall and i got an outfit and a pair of flats.
This morning i met a qt at sunoco before my supposed to be meeting for the committee, he got me a cappicino(: then we went to school.

I think me and cody are really done this time. Like we will probably never talk to each other again. Some things i see make me realize a lot. But im doing ok. i guess.

I dont work tomorrow(: Hopefully i get to hangout with katlyn or someone.

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect;
Every action in this world will bear a consequence.
If you wait around forever you will surely drown.
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