May 29, 2006 21:49
Once again it has been forever since i have updated.
We now have 5 days of school left and 2 half days.
Last week i missed two days because i couldnt find a ride to school, and it was finals week so yea. About 3 weeks ago i moved out of my sisters and back into my dads house with my sister and my mom. I went with Cody and his parents to West Virginia for his brothers graduation, it was a lot of fun.
My life has basically consisted of school, work, and seeing Cody on the weekends<3 It will be 4 months here soon (: I really love him and he makes me soo happy (:
My dad gets out on June 18th. Hopefully. Once again there is going to be a lot of work to do with the house and outside. Codys parents brought i weed wacker down and him and his dad did a lot so my dad doesnt get a fine again because of them sending us a notice for like the 3rd year in a row. I really hope things will get better for me and gina. I dont know what my mom is going to do, she seems to make little attempts to get a job and what not. But still no luck. I have learned to deal with all the problems that come my way, except for maybe a few.
Im excited for summer. I dont really want to work but its nice to have money even though i still havent really spent a paycheck on myself yet. But i dont really need anything...and i know im not going to like working inside when its so nice out. If plans go right Cody will be staying for the summer and maybe longer, hopefully<3
Im happy for Gina, she is dating a really nice boy.
Everytime i go to hangout with one of my friends it never works out for some reason , i feel bad cause something either comes up or they just dont go through wiht it, i feel like i dont talk to that many people anymore.
DOnt feel like writing anymore. Maybe ill update more often.