Feb 21, 2005 10:36
YES YES! Another snow day is upon me us, which in one way is good, because we get a day off from school but then agian, the bad side is that, now we don't get out of school till like the 27th of june! Omg that's so late. NOW I wish we had school but I mean It kinda is nice having snow days, just hanging out. Kim is comming over later, she called me and started flipping out about what happend at the dance -I sware she's the funniest person every- anyway, I didn't go but whatver. Hope it was fun. So here I am just hanging out, while my mom is upstairs working her little but off, hey atleast she didn't have to go into work. I am on palace, its the greatest place ever. Dustin got me the cutest avs ever! there so cute! Thanks alot hun. -winki- And hten on animevisions, they have some new downloads and they are pretty cool. so yeah, I'm making some cds' and stuff. So there is how my snow day is so far. going to go for now and just relax, go on palace or just IM me. (Moon1Lite4)
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