Apr 26, 2004 06:06
Abortion?: legal first trimester. if you don't know 3 months in if you want it or not, too fucking late asshole. deal with the results of your actions like an adult. no procrastinating on this shit.
Death Penalty?: if they deserve it, i.e. kill people. the world and especially jails are overpopulated anyway and they eat our tax dollars. clear them out!
Prostitution?: who cares as long as i don't get their diseases. it's their bodies
Alcohol?: DRINK
Marijuana?: SMOKE
Other drugs?: whatever as long as you don't fucking snort holes in your nose or give yourself fucking HIV sharing needles. i don't give a fuck just be careful with that shit. oh yeah no ecstasy that shit is stupid.
Gay marriage?: let people do what they want with thier love lives it's none of our business.
Illegal immigrants?: most of them have shitty jobs, which sucks. the people who worry about illegal immigrants usually don't have those jobs, so what is their problem? ILLEGAL immigrants are usually fucking migrant workers so everybody just chill out.
Smoking?: yeah it's too much now oh well
Drunk driving?: i'm about due to get caught, so i try not to leave my house anymore. EVER.
Cloning?: only parts, no whole people. scary.
Racism?: racism is stupid but we all unfortunately have it to some degree.
Premarital sex?: be careful that's all
Religion?: fuck it. do what you believe not what some asshole behind a podium tells you. if you wanna read the bible, read it, follow it, whatever, but have a fucking BRAIN people.
The war in Iraq?: i dont' even know anymore i thought it was over. america sucks.
Bush?: idiot
Downloading music?: do it, just don't run a filesharing network.
The legal drinking age?: means nothing.
Porn?: my stand on porn since i now have a boyfriend who looks at a fucking shitload of it, is way more uptight than i had expected. but he looks at too much. and the girls dont' even look like me. so yeah. i dont' like that.
...is it weird that i get turned on by lesbian porn? james doens't know shhhh i dont' think he reads this anymore haha
oh yeah one more question
Suicide?: it shouldn't be illegal, and i don't think you're going to hell if you do it either, which is i believe why they made it illegal. or is it because you're killing SOMEONE even if it's just yourself? anyway. people should be able to do whatever they want to their own bodies and it should be nobody else's business.
the only reason i haven't done it is because my family would be sad. or pissed. or both.
everybody thinks about it.
What is your stand on..... brought to you by BZOINK!