Feb 24, 2008 22:53
Reading back on these entries make me laugh. I was so immature.
Sooo Sooo much has changed in my life. . . I'm not even the same person I was 6 months ago, and I believe that's a good thing!
Living on my own has taught me so much about life. The move to Indianapolis was very rocky at first and I often questioned myself, but it has turned out to be the smartest decision I have ever made in my life. I can honestly say, for once in my life, I am content and happy with all I have achieved.
I've always felt so lost, and I never knew what I wanted in life. That's why every relationship I had didn't work. I was insecure about EVERYTHING, and I eventually learned that you can't make someone else happy until you are happy with YOURSELF.
I had a recent fallout with someone who had a big part in my life, but he also taught me so much throughout it all. . .He was only 18 but he has been through so much more then most people go through in a lifetime. He made me a stronger person and he helped me find out who I really am . . . and I will ALWAYS thank him and respect him for that.
I am five weeks away from graduating Aveda. The time has really flown by, sometimes I wonder where it went. I'm going to miss all the friends I have made so much though . . . not seeing all the girls that I see everyday of my life will be so weird to me. We have all come so far since day one. I just can't believe it's almost over.
I have my first job interview on Thursday. I'm looking forward to it. It's at Savvy Salon down in Broad Ripple. I've been so busy lately researching salons and getting my resume ready and omgosh. I can't believe it. I'm actually ready to start my CAREER at 19 years old. Wow.