[i love violins. they are fucking beautiful.]
[they sound beautiful. they look beautiful.]
I’ve never been to Paris. I would like to someday.
I have only seen the Parthenon in pictures. I would like to be able to walk up to and gaze upon its beauty. This amazing monument which has stood the test of time; it is the crowning glory of Athens...
I do not believe I will ever be able to gaze upon the Amazon River in all it's glory. I’ve seen images of it; laden with dead fish, not water. Choking;
By the time I am 70 I will no longer have a chance to see the Amazon rainforest. A vital part of sustaining the Earth; It produces 20% of our oxygen..
so why do they continue to cut it down?
It contains what.. half the species of our fauna and flora..
so why do they continue to cut it down?
Wouldn't it be more viable to leave it in tact.. don't some of our drugs come out of the rainforest.. isnt there an incredible number species of animals and trees yet to be found?
What about the untapped resources it contains? What about the fucking fact it helps with our climate?..
This is why...........
It's not doing anything just standing there and looking pretty does it, there's a profit to be had. They don't think of the reprecussions.. it does not affect us at this moment in time, not to the extent it will effect future generations. Let it be their problem.
That brings me to my next point. George. W. Bush. He is leaving the Iraq crisis up to the next president of the US. This man has started something he can't finish. He is so fucking incompetent. How does a man who had such a low approval rating win that election? Democracy? Okay no.. maybe not. I dread the next person to become their leader.. who will inevitably become Australia's leader.
Fuck George Bush.
He is a war criminal.
Someone.. please assassinate him.
I heard an american say "If I wasn’t from the most important country in the world I would have killed myself by now"
He is from a country where the drinking age is 21.. yet the legal age to own a firearm is what.. 16? [Where a fucking 18 month old child can WIN a fucking rifle] A handgun has a waiting period of 48.. 72 hours? Yet one can walk away from the same store with a shotgun or a rifle and then walk into a school or any populated area and open fire on unsuspecting persons.. and then blame a video game for the shooters actions.
Only in America would this be acceptable. Only in America would they be ignorant of the fact the rest of the world HATES them. Its like the blind leading the blind in that country.
I wonder what happened to human decency at this point in time. That we are not even civil to our fellow man let alone our world. What has become of us? We care solely for ourselves. We are corrupt. This corruption drives us. We conquer everything in our path.. our fellow man.. so be it.. our world is in our way.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Peace. Liz.