as ive said before. as a race. humans are doomed.
everyone watch this. take an hour of your lives. take an hour from complaining about life. and how bored you are. watch the animals eyes. if they are the windows to the soul. humans are fucking monsters. never forget.
warning though. not only will you learn something. its disturbing and graphic. among the members of the human family. we recognise the moral imperative of respect. every human is a somebody not a something.morally disrespectful treatment occurs when those who stand at the power end of a power relationship. treat the less powerful as if they were mere objects. the rapist does this to the victim of rape. the child molesters to the child molested. the master to the slave. in each of all such cases. humans who have power exploit those who lack it. might the same be true of how humans treat other animals. or other earthlings. undoubtedly there are differences. since humans and animals are not the same in all respects. but the question of sameness wears another face. granted these animals do not have all the desires we humans have. granted they do not comprehend everything we humans comprehend. never the less. we and they do have some of the same desires and do comprehend some of the same things. desires for food and water. shelter and companionship. freedom of movement and devoidence of pain. these desires are shared by non human animals and human beings. as for comprehension. like humans. many non human animals understand the world in which they live and move. otherwise they could not survive. so beneath the many differences there is sameness. like us. these animals embody the mystery and wonder of conciousness. like us. they are not only in the world but are aware of it. like us they are the psychological centres of a life that is uniquely their own. in these fundamental respects humans stand on all fours so to speak. with hogs and cows; chickens and turkeys. what these animals are due from us. how we morally ought to treat them. questions whose answer begins with the recognition of our psychological kin ship with them. so the follwing film demonstrates in five ways just how animals have come to serve mankind.
lest. we. forget.
"as often has herman withnessed the slaughter of animals and fish, he always had the same thought- in their behaviour toward creatures, all men were nazis. the smugness with which man could do with other species as her pleased exemplify the most extreme racist theories the principle that might is right"
[stolen from