Puffin writes:
"Your son is on a tear today. He was fussy in the am but i dropped him off at J's anyway. Apparently there he got into a fight with another baby. It was mutual. J says they were rolling on the floor, tussling before she managed to separate them and make them apologize. Sheesh. When she brought X home i took him to bed but he spent an hour rolling around and chewing aggressively on books. He's finally asleep, head on my hip. Crazy baby!"
Now, pacifism is absolutely my first priority when it comes to instilling values in my little bundle of testosterone (Priority Value #2 is respect for others, which sort of underpins and reinforces PV #1. Of course, PV #3 involves an encyclopedic knowledge of Dungeons & Dragons monster stats, including combat weaknesses. X will be a complicated guy.)
But even so, I hope I'm not the only Buddhist in the batch who finds the image of two babies tussling pretty darn hilarious.