Feb 14, 2004 23:55
I LOVE hanging out with friends. I've had such an awesome weekend. I've hung out with so many people I havn't hung out with in a while. I'm glad me and Josh are getting on better terms. It would suck to lose him as a friend.
Me and Justin ruined Melissas singles party. lol. I'm sure they didn't mind. I was able to entertain them with Cabin Fever and Justin told his silly PIMP joke.
I had a good V-day. Watched Better off Dead with Melissa. Got my hair cut. Got heart filling gifts from Justin. Went out to eat at ABC. Then went to Melissas. Tomorrow me and Justin might get some pictures taken.
Friday night was a blast. Shake it like a salt shaka! Putting on silly make-up and talking pictures=good times.
Better go to bed so I can get up and be ready by the time Justin gets off work.