(no subject)

Jun 08, 2008 19:27

As I sit here in my room, typing away on my NEW MACBOOK PRO, I begin to think of the future and what it may hold for me. I remember sitting here exactly a year ago. "College." Simply hearing that word would stir up a powerful array of words that was sure to send me into a tailspin of nervous, anxious thoughts. There was one thing I was certain about, though: the fact that I wanted to be a doctor. Since I was around seven years old, I knew I wanted, needed, to be a doctor. I guess it really all started when I was in the second grade, right around the early weeks of October. Wait, maybe I was six. Yeah, I was six. So I was six, and I started to get this really horrible, unfortunate twisting pain in my stomach. I lay awake all night twisting and turning, and then when I finally couldn't take it anymore, woke my parents up and told them that I thought something was wrong with me. My dad took me to the ER at Anna Jacques, and I was eventually placed in a room upstairs and was told that I needed to have my appendix removed. I just remember wondering how the doctors knew what to do, how helpful they were, and how much they helped me. I guess you can say, "A person can help others out in a number of professions, so why choose the one which entails more than a decade of higher education?" Honestly, it's because I love the way our body works. I love the fact that we have the ability to open up our bodies, fix what's wrong, and go back to our everyday lives. Tumor? Step this way, we can remove it. Broken bone? Here, put a cast on. These medical mysteries would have been just that previously: medical mysteries. You would deal with it, and in most cases get sicker and ultimately die. I want to help people out and find ways to fix their problems and allow them to go about their normal activities. I suppose the only thing that is somewhat disturbing is that people now manipulate medical procedures to do strange things that should not be done (in my eyes, of course; if you want to do it, I can't stop you). Things like choosing the sex of your baby (and eventually 'customizing' your baby's characteristics like hair color and eye color just like you would customize your computer), getting bigger boobs, and that stuff. Tumors and broken limbs are dangerous. These are the reasons we SHOULD have doctors, to HELP us, not to make us the next best thing. We should be proud of ourselves, of who we are, and of what we can and cannot do. Sure, there are definitely characteristics that I wish I could change or improve, but you know what, I'm fine the way things are. I wish I were taller, but what would that do for me? I want to help people out. I do not want to become the guy in Beverly Hills that can bless you with boobs and a slimmer waist. The only reason I would go into plastic surgery would be to help people out that needed it. Like, medically required the help. Children who's noses are deformed in a manner such that they have difficulty breathing correctly. Before I say anything else and end this, I want to say this. Personally, I don't think people should have cosmetic surgery. BUT, their life is THEIR life. They can do what they want, and I am in no position to tell them what to and what not to do. Leave them be. This has been a long ass post and has gone in a direction I did not expect, but eh, whatever. I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless, and until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other.



P.S. Obama got the nomination!!!!
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