(no subject)

Sep 16, 2007 20:54

The sun breaks through the windows, and my alarm clock starts to sing in high-pitched tones. I role over under my covers, hoping that this will silence the rush of noise and allow me to return to sleep. However, I soon notice that this is a preposterous proposition and rise out of my covers. The cold, artificial air of my room engulfs my body at once and makes me wish I were back under the warmth of my covers. My eyes still closed, I grope around near my desk until locating my alarm and turning it off. Once again I hit my bed and put off getting up. When I realize that this will soon prove detrimental, I rise once again and rub my eyes. I stare through my sunroof and see the morning sun greeting me with its exuberant rays of light. Beautiful tinges of red, orange, and yellow seem to fill the skies. I swing my legs over to the side of my bed and feel my soft, plush carpet underneath them. I slowly drift over to my window and open the shades. Slightly taken aback by the immense amount of light flooding my room, I blink rapidly and look away. When my eyes finally adjust, I return to looking out of my third-story window. My room is so high up that it allows me to be a silent observer of nature and humans; I see my neighbors walking in and out windows, preparing for the day's work; I see rabbits and squirrels scurrying about, gathering supplies for the coming winter; I watch as my reserved neighbor hurries to his truck, gets in, and pulls out onto the main road. My mother has told me that he works for the government, and as intriguing as this job may seem, I find it saddening that he bids farewell to his wife and daughter as such an unpleasant hour. It seems as though everyone is hard at work except for me. Slightly annoyed by this observation, I turn away from the window and sit down on the side of my bed once again. I can hear my mother and father bustling around the kitchen, getting ready for their long day of work. Fortunately, it appears that they both enjoy their jobs, and this is a pleasant bit of information. I then begin to ponder my future and what may come of it. I have an innate love for medicine and helping those in need of help, and this makes me the optimistic medical student. Yet I wonder, will I be like my neighbor, tearing myself away from my family and running off to a job constantly? Will I be like the animals I watch, constantly in search of the bare essentials to make it through the next season? Or will I be like my mother and father, working hard but enjoying the workload? Such thoughts cause me unrest and I prefer to not deal with them for the time being. I am, of course, only seventeen years of age. I know only a little more about the world than a newborn baby, and therefore I try to avoid passing judgment on such matters. I sense the sun shifting position and watch as the sliver of light emanating from my sky roof moves across my carpeted floor. I then begin to think of the hours ahead of me and yet another day at high school. Luckily, I am a senior and am preparing to embark on the college journey. But for now, my days are filled with challenging classes, fickle girls, and unattainable desires. It seems that teenagers are constantly in a tug of war with their emotions. It seems that one moment, you are so sure of something, but yet the next instant, everything is so mercilessly ripped away from you and thrown in your face. You're not so sure about anything anymore, and revert to being an insecure, love-starved romantic. Life seems to be a large, unorganized collection of puzzle pieces. We just have to bend the pieces until they fit perfectly within one another. When one piece is too big to intertwine with the others, we either ignore it or alter it to satisfy our needs. I have grown so accustomed to slapping a metaphorical bandage on wounds or letting them heal by themselves that I struggle to remember how to fix my problems. I decide that this annoys me as well, and try to imagine a pleasant future filled with a loving family and a lucrative job. This image in mind, I smile, stand up, and stride off towards the bathroom. Time to deal with one more puzzle piece.
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