so i haven't updated for a while (a weekish?). nothing really happend anyways.
Things that are fun:
+ frank
+ boats (watching alex go tubing. i would do it too if i weren't totally convinced i'd get hit by a fucking boat.)
+ seeing napolean dynamite with frank
+ walking to 2-vine at 9 pm with frank
+ $98 seafood
Things that are NOT fun:
- pommes frites (aka ridiculously salty french fries at 2-vine with no ketchup)
- seeing napolean dynamite WITHOUT lucia
- not updating for weeks
- feeling blah
- losing track of what day it is because you don't do anything EVER.
I dunno i forget what else haha.
like a week ago rachel and i found ourselves to be in the same position we were last year at this time. haha it kinda sucks. except now we have hansooooon. haha sweet. and 4th of july was alright. it rained and stuff.
yesterday frank came over and we went to wegmans and two dollar stores and abbots. it was fun fun fun! so we took pics.
trying to make our eyes bigger
i've always had weird lips.
i just spent $15 on a cd...gross. i hate doing that =( oh well at least the cd is very good. i need a job. there are a bunch of other cds i want too. i need fantastic back. ahhh.
yaay sue just said she'd schedule a facial for mee... que suerte. i feel like i need to go to nyc again RIGHT NOW.
i am so out of it...
goodbye lucia, rachel, and kyle, you will be missed. have fun in florida, nj, and aussie.