Jun 07, 2004 18:20
soooo this weekend was kinda busy. friday it was frankies bday so i spazed out all day haha. rachel brough cookie cake but we couldn't eat it at lunch unless we ate it in the atrium with an adult cause i guess theres a new rule where we can't eat cake at lunch now...? anyways we ate it on the yard after school and it was fun fun.
after that i went to franks dads house and we gave ourselves facials cause i made him participate. then we went to the teencenter. finer grain was reeeally good. i like their new cd. cohen was very good too. and it was kyles bday too. whhhooaaa 2 bdays. cerazy. the show was fun with franktard. but wow, how fat do i feel at the teencenter??! very! holy crap. its prolly just me but still...jesus. anyways afterwards my dad took us to get ice cream (lol speaking of fatness). oooh my god i am the most indecisive person ever haha. i got a butterscotch sundae.
saturday was blech and i stayed in my pjs all day. cept i went to the mall to get a cd and part 2 of franks bday gift haha. sunday was blah too. but today i did my english speach which i got an A on. then lucia vicki frank and i hung out at great northern after school.
ok i'm going into bitch mode for a minute...maybe its just me but right now i've felt like i need to improve myself more than ever. i have no idea why. its not fun. i've been working out and stuff and thats cool but i dunno haha its weird. i feel like i'm not the best i could be but if i was i'd be trying too hard. bleeech. ok i'm done with that.
ok to end this i'm gonna sayy...
hahah franchitus