(no subject)

Jan 24, 2006 07:39

kayyyy, something new.

my mom keeps telling me i should try out modeling.
i'm not into people inspecting my body & telling me wahts wrong with it.
but i think it'd be fun.
i wanna give it a shot.
i'll probably have to loose like 10 lbs. to do it though. :/
& my nose is eew...ha.
& then there's the i think i'm hideous thing.

OHHHH, & i'm gonna take a photography class finally.
now, i can actually take good pictures.

& we're gonna move again, i think.
it sucks. i have to keep my room clean all the time, cause people are gonna be coming over to look @ the house & stuff.
it's so annoying. i'm never this clean.

&&& they duct taped my hallway @ school. it's retarded. YUPPP.
it's frickin' labeled 'locker space' & 'walk'. & there's arrows for the direction you should walk in.
stupid. stupid. stupid.

♥ i'm a size girls 16 in abercrombie. i ♥ that an awful lot. but i still think i'm overweight.
my mom gave me a talk on being anorexic. she was telling about how she excercised a lot when she was my age cause she always thought she was fat.
okay, thats me basically. but i'm not frickin' anorexic. GOD.
i have no self control at all. if i feel fat, i eat salad. it's not like i'm gonna go & starve myself. :/
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