Dec 15, 2005 16:42
oh, i'm so :D
i shrunk to a size 5 in pants.
oh baby, kate's lost weight.
which is cool, since ya know, i'm still like overweight & stuff.
'chaaaaa. i suck.
razzles are the best things EVER.
i can't stop eating them. hmmm.
i had some left over from NYC & i found them.
& i was all 'yumm yumm yumm'.
so now there's 3 left.
& i have some nice cinnamon gum too from NYC. it was a sample.
mmm sample gum.
so i'm trying to loose weight again.
that was what i was really getting @. heh, i got distracted.
so i'm like drinking tons of water so i won't get hungry. well, i'm eating 2 meals a day like usual.
don't people usually eat 3? so i'm all like 'wtf? i should be loosing weight already'
yes, i talk to my self sometimes. you should to, it's very intertaining. :]
but i haven't really weighed myself since oct. since we don't ahve a weighing majiggy. so i guess i should get one instead of going to Expect to weigh myself.
i suck lots.
omgz. i'm so mad @ delias.
my purple shirt isn't coming until the 30th!!!
:P & i want it sooo bad. gosh, am i bored.
i didn't even say anything on the website how it would be coming late or anything.
but my new jammerz came, which makes up for it, i guess.
i didn't have to go to my sister's stupid chorus concert tonight.
which is awesome. i hate them. they hold you captive until the band & orchestra are finished so you can't leave.
i don't want to be up until like 10 listening to them. GOSH.
my hair was awesome today. i love how i talk about my hair lots now. hmmm.
but yeah, i woke up & it was almost perfectly straight. i was all 'ohhhh baby'.
& i straightened it & wore it half up & it was all pretty.
but, grr, i hate this shirt alyssa gave me.
heh. good thing she's not on here anymore.
she gave it to me for my bday & it's humungous bagungous.
but it's all i had to wear today for shirts, so i did. hmm.
i can't wait till xmas. i'm getting 2 new pairs of levi jeans.
i love levi jeans. 'specially since their the only ones that fit right.
& they're gonna be in 5's since all my other pants are humoungous bungungous now too.
& i'm getting 5 shirts that fit right. & new jammerz. & a moose. & new earrings(since i only have the pair i got when i got them pierced.:/)& a hairstraightener. & i got a cool hippie bag in NYC for xmas too.
&yeahhhhh. my life is boring though. i sware. i usually have better stuff to talk about. but nope. i think i'm just good @ going on & on so you really think my life's interesting. but i's not. :]