Sep 07, 2004 23:06
i had to quit music man tonight. i just can't do it. there is already hardly any time for me to do my homework. i'm realy getting to hate highschool. we get wayyy too much homework and i've already had to quit 2 shows. i mean is it really nescessary for us to have seussical rehersals EVERY day? especially friday. NOTHING practices on friday. but u can bet seussical does. grr! that makes me out of a job probably cuz i was supposed to babysit every friday at 4. damn. but at least seussical is fun and the dances are sooo awesome! i love them. and the cast seems really cool. however my jazz class today sucked and a half. (lol what a weird saying.) i thought the class was teen jazz experienced. well these girls can't even do a pat de bourrea turn. (don't kno how to spell it). seriously. i mean we do harder dances for seussical than the crap we did there. i'm gunna go next week and see if it's bad again and then maybe talk to her about switching. cuz it's a waste of money. i might as well be at dance 10 spending $15 a class cuz my jazz there was harder. i jsut hope there is another one i can do. i'm kinda nervous for ballet tomorrow but i don't have ms v. so it's not that scary. but i'm really excited for vocal drama. don't know why but i just feel like i'm really gunna enjoy that class. plus rachel, alexa and elyse are in it so that's cool. alrighty well i gotta get to bed. (aka watch the simpsons!)